The alternate streams are accessed by appending a colon on the end...
don't think it's that...


If you don't wanna reboot and try the safe-mode trick (or I was going to
suggest a linux boot disk with the NTFS driver), you might want to see
if you can find Services for Unix v3.5... it was installable on Win2K3
and I've had success with the Unix command line utilities operating on
files that CMD would not (like files named as reserved keywords, etc...)




From: [] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 2009 1:05 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Can't change hidden attribute, nor take ownership, of a


"Steven M. Caesare" <> wrote on 07/07/2009 12:56:18

> That's a leading period? That's probably jacking you up. 

It is. However, you can have filename that start with leading periods in
Windows; I have done that, as troubleshooting. They work fine. This
particular file does not. 

> Go to the Mac that originated and see if you can rename across the

Can't do that, unfortunately. This particular file comes from a restore
from a different server. So the problem exists on more than 1 server,
and so what I'm looking for is a method to fix the problem, that I can
then apply to either server (or any other). 

My boss says he's seen that before, and that the only way he was able to
delete it was to reboot into Safe Mode, Command Prompt Only, and then he
was able to delete it. Since this is a production server, that is a PITA
to do (especially remotely, altho with ILO on an HP server, it can be

I'm convinced it is something like that "Alternate Data Stream" or
whatever feature of NTFS, that I've never had to deal with before. 

If I try and edit the file with Notepad (from Win Explorer), it tells me
that the file doesn't exist, and it must create it. When it does, I then
end up with 2 files of the exact same name, but with different icons in

I'm begining to think I need a really low-level, down-and-dirty editor,
to do the equivalent of editing the FAT, to rename/re-attribute this
*That* scares me. :-) 

> -sc 
> From: []

> Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 2009 12:40 PM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: Can't change hidden attribute, nor take ownership, of a file 
> Win2003. One of my users seems to have created a file that is name 
> "._xxxxx.JPG" (I think this may have come from one of my very few 
> Mac users, but I don't know that for certain). Anyway, I see the 
> file in Windows Explorer, and it has an attribute of "H" (hidden). 
> But I can't seem to change it to be non-hidden. I can't take 
> ownership of the file - clicking "Properties" shows me only 1 tab - 
> "General".  There is no "Security" tab.  I have verified that the 
> file system is NTFS. I can not rename the file, either- "Cannot 
> rename file: cannot read from source file or disk". (this is the 
> only file this happens on, so I am convinced that the problem is 
> this file, not the disk) 
> From a command prompt, I see the file when I do a "dir /a". 
> 04/27/2004  03:44 PM            55,554 ._49 Greene & Rendell.JPG 
> However, I can not change the attribute. 
> >attrib -h * 
> Unable to change attribute - F:\Temp\._49 Greene & Rendell.JPG 
> I am unable to take ownership of the file, either, because 
> apparently the file can't be found ... 
> ---------------- 
> subinacl /file "._49 Greene & Rendell.JPG" /display=owner 
> ._49 Greene & Rendell.JPG - CreateFile Error : 2 The system cannot 
> find the file specified. 
> Elapsed Time: 00 00:00:00 
> Done:        1, Modified        0, Failed        1, Syntax errors
> Last Done  : ._49 Greene & Rendell.JPG 
> Last Failed: ._49 Greene & Rendell.JPG - CreateFile Error : 2 The 
> system cannot find the file specified. 
> ---------------- 
> At this point, I am stumped. I can't change attributes, I can't 
> rename, I can't take ownership (thinking that perhaps I could rename
> it that way). 
> Thoughts? Pointers? Clues? etc 
> -- 
> Michael Leone
> Network Administrator, ISM
> Philadelphia Housing Authority
> 2500 Jackson St
> Philadelphia, PA 19145
> Tel:  215-684-4180
> Cell: 215-252-0143
> <> 



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