Thanks Tim, I hadn't specifically added permissions for the PC, but I
was under the impression that Authenticated Users should handle all the


I just went back and added the everyone group and the specific computer
in question and gave them read permissions to the GPO on the delegation
tab in Group Policy Management.   Waited, updated, rebooted, still no




From: Tim Vander Kooi [] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 3:17 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: GPO puzzler


Have you added Domain Computers (or similar security group) to the
security settings of the GPO? We see this fairly regularly with Computer
specific GPOs due to computer groups not being added by default.



From: Bill Songstad (WCUL) [] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 5:08 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: GPO puzzler



W2k3 domain

Vista Business SP2 workstation



Disable offline folders



Create AD OU:  Domain > Local machines > vista workstations

Place workstation into OU

Create and link "disable offline folders" GPO to the previously
mentioned OU

                Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates >
Network > Offline Files > Allow or disallow use of the Offline Files
Feature = disabled

Wait several hours, reboot, wait again, run gpudate /force on the
client, wait, reboot, wait



Offline files are still available and syncable


Any idea where I dropped the ball on this?  

Running the Group Policy Results Wizard on the workstation  shows the
policy applied on the Computer Configuration but denied on the User
Configuration with the reason "empty".  

Running the Group Policy Modeling Wizard with the same OUs shows nothing
would be denied.  


Googling, Binging, and banging my head comes up with the usual culprit
being trying to apply a user setting to an OU with only computers in it.
But in this case I'm dealing with a computer setting in a group that
only contains computers.


Any help is appreciated.








~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~ <>  ~

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