This is intriguing.  I don't use it but have considered it.

------- Included Stuff Follows ------- 
Insecure BIOS `Rootkit´ Found Pre-loaded In Major Manufacturers Laptops 

    A popular laptop theft-recovery service that ships on notebooks made by 
    HP, Dell, Lenovo, Toshiba, Gateway, Asus and Panasonic is actually a 
    dangerous BIOS rootkit that can be hijacked and controlled by malicious 

    The service - called Computrace LoJack for Laptops - contains design 
    vulnerabilities and a lack of strong authentication that can lead to "a 
    complete and persistent compromise of an affected system," according to 
    Black Hat conference presentation by researchers Alfredo Ortega and Anibal 
    Sacco from Core Security Technologies."

    ... The biggest problem, Ortega explained, is that a malicious hacker can 
    manipulate and control the call-home process. That´s because the 
    technology uses a configuration method that contains the IP address, port 
    and URL, all hard-coded in the Option-ROM. At first run, Sacco explained 
    that the configuration method is copied in many places, including the 
    registry and hard-disk inter-partition space.

    The duo found that it´s trivial to search and modify the configuration, 
    giving them the ability to point the the IP and URL to a malicious site, 
    where un-authenticated payloads can be directed to laptop.

    Because the rootkit is white-listed by anti-virus software, the malicious 
    modifications will go unnoticed. ...

--------- Included Stuff Ends ---------
More here with links:
or here if the above wraps unusably:

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