PSS and your account team can both assist in filing a DCR on your behalf...

Brian Desmond

c - 312.731.3132

Active Directory, 4th Ed -
Microsoft MVP -

-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Scott []
Sent: Monday, August 03, 2009 4:27 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: GPO for a single user

Hey list,

  To the best of my knowledge, there is no way to create a GPO for a particular 
user account.  You can, of course, create a GPO linked to the OU containing 
that user account, and then set "permissions" on the GPO such that only that 
user has the "Apply Group Policy" permission for that GPO.  But ultimately, 
it's still a GPO associated with an OU.

  We have occasional "one-off" GPOs.  They get applied to a single role account 
used for automation that needs a logoff script custom to the application.  (We 
could detect the user name in a more global logoff script, I suppose, but 
that's even less elegant.)

  I was thinking an individual user GPO would be a convenient feature to have.  
It would be somewhat analogous to the "machine local GPO"
that currently exists for computers.  You can edit that GPO by logging into the 
computer and running GPEDIT.MSC.  It applies to the local machine only.  It 
would be nice if user accounts had something like like that.  Maybe a "User 
GPO" button on the "Account" tab or whatever.

  If someone knows of a better way with existing tools, please feel free to hit 
me with a cluebat.

  Anyone know how one would submit this as a suggestion to Microsoft?
Last I went looking, had been shut down.  There was a 
sort-of replacement at <>, but it was aimed at 
focus groups and beta tests, and didn't have a mechanism to provide feedback 
for stuff Microsoft hadn't thought of yet.  (How

-- Ben

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