As the Security Admin and I are still trying to get the
al-waste-products to work through our ISA, we referred back to the ISA
2006 Migration Guide by Syngress.  The SA came in the morning and showed
me the following section in the book:
"The topic of Certificate Authorities (CAs)and PKI (Public Key
Infrastructure) is usually enough to drive many administrators away from
even considering SSL.  There are a number of reasons for this:
 - The available documentation on certificate authorities and PKI, in
general, is difficult to understand.
 - The subject has the potential to be extremely complex.
 - You need to learn an entirely new vocabulary to understand the CAs
and PKI.  Often the documentation on these subjects doesn't define the
new words, or they use equally arcane terms to define the arcane term
for which you're trying to get the definition.
 - There doesn't seem to be any support for the network and firewall
administrator who just wants to get a CA setup and running so that he
can use certificates for SSL and L2TP/IPSec authentication and

Boy, that just seems to sew it up in a nutshell, doesn't it?  You'd
think that if this opinion is as common as I believe it to be, somebody
out there could simplify the process somewhat...

*thunk* *thunk* *thunk*  (head banging against desk...)



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