I don't' know who else to ask. I'm a long time lurker here; but have tried
to help people out in the past. I trust the people here.

I am currently MCSA (2003) as of last year. I only have 2 more tests for
MCSE (2003) and one more test after that if i want the +Security. ( i
already took one security test and passed ). I also have CCNA that i passed
back in 2006. (expired now grrr )
I am currently employed getting close to 11 years. Getting more
certifications isn't necessarily going to give me a pay raise but may help
me out in the years to come.

Should i go ahead and finish up MCSE-Security or should i start with the new
MS Certification? MCITP is most likely what i'll end up doing. what do you
guys think?

Thanks alot!


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