
It (not only your description but my experience) reminds me of a "Dilbert" 

Dilbert - "Yesterday I was a nobody, a little person lost in a big 
company.  Today, everyone knows who I am!

Dogbert - "You mean, you screwed up?"

Dilbert - "Yeah, big-time!"

David Lum <> wrote on 08/27/2009 12:00:44 PM:

> Random yet relevant post for the day?
> I was asked by a fellow employee what I do here I came up with this.
> I changed it from ?I? to ?we? for posting here, but figured it 
> pretty much described any sysadmin?
> The stuff we do is only noticed if we don't do it, and even then in 
> some cases we'd have to neglect it for a very long time for anyone 
> to notice.  Our job is not for someone who needs constant feedback 
> on how they're doing. Some stuff we do isn't noticed by ANYBODY but 
> us, yet it's stuff that needs to be done.  Think of us as a mechanic
> that does regular maintenance on your car without you ever taking it
> in. You don't notice it as long as the work is being done, but you 
> notice it if it ISN'T being done...
> One thing I didn?t mention is they can?t tell when you have a bad 
> sysadmin unless you have a good one to compare it to, and even this 
> it?s not always obvious to the uninitiated.
> Which brings up the question, how do you guys tell a good admin from
> a great one? What do they do differently?
> (Desk) 971.222.1025 // (Cell) 503.267.9764
~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~ <>  ~

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