Check this out

Similar to dropbox but designed for business use. Works fine over VPN,  
internet or LAN.


On 8 Oct 2009, at 21:48, Martin Blackstone wrote:

> I’m looking for some kind of remote backup solution for about 60  
> road warriors.
> Something that when the users connect up via VPN would be smart  
> enough to copy their new/changed files up to my storage here at home.
> I’ve tried the offline files and folders and have never been 100%  
> sold on the reliability.
> Something I could be a bit granular with. I don’t want to backup  
> their whole laptop, but maybe their My Documents folder.
> If it could be managed from a console, great.
> Any ideas?

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~ <>  ~

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