OCS is pretty good at presence status and Outlook integration - Inactive
when no activity for x minutes, Away when screen locked, Offline when not
logged in, etc. You can also set custom presence states I think, and it
integrates tightly with our phones as well.

Don't know whether it might be a tad expensive though

2009/10/23 Roger Wright <rhw...@gmail.com>

> We have about 110 users in this location, many of which are in and out of
> the office at random times.  A physical log sheet at the front desk just
> isn't working for the receptionists.
> In a previous life I used SCRY (iCU) from www.mhsoftware.co.uk and it
> worked pretty well for a small staff of 25.
> I'm looking at other options and would preferred something that integrates
> with Outlook since all users live in that application throughout the day,
> and also need some automation like Away from Desk status when screen saver
> comes on, or Gone Home when PC is offline, and a reminder to change the
> status when returning to the PC
> I've found Out 'n About from http://www.intelligentconcepts.com/ and it
> looks pretty good.
> Any other recommendations that work?
> Roger Wright
> ___

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