I get eventID 4319 from NetBT logged occasionally on a production server.
The next is:
"A duplicate name has been detected on the TCP network.  The IP address of
the machine that sent the message is in the data. Use nbtstat -n in a
command window to see which name is in the Conflict state."

The IP address so  far has always pointed to a machine that has no real
likelihood of having a duplicate name.
By the time I get to do the checking, nbtstat -n shows what it always shows:

Local Area Connection:
Node IpAddress: [] Scope Id: []

               NetBIOS Local Name Table

      Name               Type         Status
   RMPKHZPDS4AY01 <00>  UNIQUE      Registered
   MP             <00>  GROUP       Registered
   RMPKHZPDS4AY01 <20>  UNIQUE      Registered
   MP             <1E>  GROUP       Registered

Local Area Connection 2:
Node IpAddress: [] Scope Id: []

               NetBIOS Local Name Table

      Name               Type         Status
   RMPKHZPDS4AY01 <00>  UNIQUE      Registered
   MP             <00>  GROUP       Registered
   RMPKHZPDS4AY01 <20>  UNIQUE      Registered
   MP             <1E>  GROUP       Registered

Any ideas?
I think that if I could catch it happening, I could find out what is going
There are various IP addresses that show up in the data, but none of them
has ever given any indication of anything amiss.


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