On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 5:45 PM, Didtel, Larry <larry.did...@stemilt.com> wrote:
> I am having trouble with dns going to an external site.

  What OS and version for the client PC and for the DNS cache server?

  Have you tried from more than one client?

> The address is like http://ourcompany.theircompany.com

  What are the actual names?

> I can initially get to the site but after an hour, give or
> take, I will no longer be able to get to the site.

  Explain what happens when you are "no longer able to get to the
site".  What are you doing to test?  Do you get an error message?  If
so, what is the message?  Have you tried closing and opening the
browser, ping by name from the command line?  Have you tried "telnet
ourcompany.theircompany.com 80" from the command line?

> Check dns cache on local pc and it shows "site does not exist".

  How are you checking the DNS cache on the local PC?

> Any idea what would cause the A
> record to disappear after a short time?

  TTL (Time To Live) would be my first guess.  The fact that the A
record is disappearing may be irrelevant; that happens as part of
normal DNS function.  If the cache gets another query for the same
record, it should (if needed) find the answer and cache the new

-- Ben

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