I have had a few issues with RDP especially on x64 servers. Have had to turn
off firewall on server and sometimes disable and re-enable RDP.

As long as user is member of local admin he should be able to RDP to server
by default.





From: Benjamin Zachary - Lists [mailto:li...@levelfive.us] 
Sent: Friday, November 06, 2009 6:43 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: rdp / citrix error


Well I rebooted a few times without success. I manually put my username in
the allow logon to terminal services. Same error.


In the event log I only see a security entry of logon and then logoff.  Not
sure where to go with it. 


From: Free, Bob [mailto:r...@pge.com] 
Sent: Friday, November 06, 2009 1:18 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: rdp / citrix error


There have been lots of long and drawn diatribes about the 'rdp going to
sleep then works after a reboot' issue on 2K3 server. I don't have any links
handy but a little google-fu should turn them up.


There were a couple of hotfixes alleged to fix it that were met with mixed
reactions. Susan Bradley spread it around a lot and I think our own MBS may
have blogged about it, I know I've seen emails here from him on the subject



From: James Rankin [mailto:kz2...@googlemail.com] 
Sent: Friday, November 06, 2009 10:00 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: rdp / citrix error


I get that error occasionally on some of my Citrix servers (neither RDP or
ICA can log on, with that error) and a restart clears it. No idea why it

2009/11/6 Benjamin Zachary - Lists <li...@levelfive.us>

I have a metaframe 4 server that is responding with the user cannot logon to
the computer because your not in the Remote Desktop Users Group. 


Even the admin account cannot logon, although I can logon locally. I went
and checked that domain users and the admin acct are both in the group. I
went into local security policy and that group is also there with
administrators group. As a test I manually added the administrator account
but that didn't seem to have any effect. 


I get the same error with RDP so this doesn't seem to be a citrix issue. 


Anyone else seen the RDP perms blow up? I guess I can recreate the connector
??? although I get to the login screen and am able to put credentials in.



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