Kurt, thanks very much for this. I haven't got time to look at this right
away as I am studying for an Exchange 2007 exam tomorrow, but I wanted to
say thanks for sharing this. This is what we're all signed up here for,
sharing knowledge. Soon we will all have strong traceroute-fu..!


2009/11/13 Kurt Buff <kurt.b...@gmail.com>

> An excellent post, and well worth the understanding.
> I am a member of SAGE and USENIX, BTW, and highly recommend the orgs,
> even if you can't attend their functions.
> Kurt
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Brent Chapman <>
> Date: Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 10:56
> Subject: [SAGE] So you think you know traceroute...
> To: sage-memb...@sage.org
> Most network engineers and sysadmins would probably say that they're
> intimately familiar with 'traceroute<
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traceroute>',
> and consider it one of their fundamental network troubleshooting tools... I
> certainly do. But you might be amazed to learn, as I did, how much you *
> don't* know about traceroute.
> Richard Steenbergen of nLayer Communications, Inc., did an *excellent*
> presentation
> on traceroute<
> http://www.nanog.org/meetings/nanog47/presentations/Sunday/RAS_Traceroute_N47_Sun.pdf
> >
> at
> this month's NANOG <http://www.nanog.org/> (North American Network
> Operators
> Group) meeting:
>   - A Practical Guide to (Correctly) Troubleshooting with
> Traceroute<
> http://www.nanog.org/meetings/nanog47/presentations/Sunday/RAS_Traceroute_N47_Sun.pdf
> >,
>   by Richard A.
> Steenbergen<http://www.linkedin.com/pub/richard-steenbergen/0/8b/398>
>    of nLayer Communications <http://www.nlayer.net/>.
> Among other things, this presentation shows you:
>   - How traceroute works
>   - What you can learn from the DNS hostnames returned by traceroute
>      - Where the ISP/carrier boundaries are
>      - Where the equipment is located, geographically (do you know what a
>      CLLI code is?)
>      - What type of equipment the ISP/carrier is using
>   - What the round trip times reported by traceroute *really* mean
>   - How you can be led astray by ICMP prioritization, rate limiting,
>   asymmetric paths, and load balancing
> One of the coolest tricks I learned from this presentation is, to find out
> more about what's at the other end of some hop that appears to be a
> point-to-point link, assume that the IP address you see is one of the two
> addresses in a /30 subnet (as is commonly assigned to point-to-point
> links),
> and do a DNS reverse lookup of the other address in the /30.
> This is useful, for example, in figuring out which egress port a packet
> went
> out on, since traceroute normally only shows you the ingress ports for each
> device along the way. For example, let's say I was looking at the following
> traceroute output, and wanted to know the egress port on router #3, as the
> packet moved to router #4:
> *brent%* traceroute www.google.com
> traceroute: Warning: www.google.com has multiple addresses; using
> traceroute to google.navigation.opendns.com (, 64 hops
> max, 40 byte packets
>  1 (  3.145 ms  2.573 ms  2.382 ms
>  2  75-101-29-1.dsl.static.sonic.net (  9.555 ms  9.054 ms
>  9.089 ms
>  3  127.at-X-X-X.gw3.200p-sf.sonic.net (  9.510 ms
> 9.871 ms  9.194 ms
>  4  200.ge-0-1-0.gw.equinix-sj.sonic.net (  11.965 ms
> 11.870 ms  11.839 ms
>  5  0.as0.gw2.equinix-sj.sonic.net (  11.928 ms  12.519
> ms  12.394 ms
>  6  GigabitEthernet3-1.GW2.SJC7.ALTER.NET (  11.360 ms
> 16.257 ms  11.268 ms
>  7  0.so-0-0-1.XL4.SJC7.ALTER.NET (  11.729 ms  11.679 ms
>  11.403 ms
>  8  0.so-7-0-0.XL2.PAO1.ALTER.NET (  14.775 ms  17.455
> ms 0.so-5-0-0.XL2.PAO1.ALTER.NET (  15.548 ms
>  9  POS7-0.GW6.PAO1.ALTER.NET (  12.886 ms  13.143 ms  13.029
> ms
> 10 (  13.517 ms  14.708 ms  16.566 ms
> 11  * * *
> 12  * * *
> ^C
> To find out more about router #3's egress port, I look at the IP address
> for
> router #4 (, figure out what would be the other IP address in
> the same /30 (; hint: the lower address in a /30 pair always
> ends in an odd number, and the higher address always ends in an even
> number,
> so if the address you know ends in an odd number, the other address in the
> same /30 is going to be the next *higher* number, and if the address you
> know is even, the other is going to be the next *lower* number), and do a
> DNS reverse lookup of that address:
> *brent%* dig -x
> ; <<>> DiG 9.4.3-P3 <<>> -x
> ;; global options:  printcmd
> ;; Got answer:
> ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 49382
> ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0
> ;     IN      PTR
> 259200 IN    PTR
> 200.ge-6-3-0.gw3.200p-sf.sonic.net.
> ;; Query time: 31 msec
> ;; SERVER:
> ;; WHEN: Fri Nov 13 09:42:05 2009
> ;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 91
> Another handy tip from the presentation is that, since light travels
> through
> fiber optic cable at about 200 km (or 125 miles, if you prefer) per
> millisecond, each 1 ms of delay shown by traceroute (which, remember,
> is*round
> trip* delay) should represent about 100 km (62.5 mi) of distance if the
> delay were due entirely to the distance travelled (i.e., no queuing or
> processing delays). Using that fact, you can see that 40ms for a packet to
> go from San Francisco to New York (about 2500 miles, or 4000km) would be
> "normal", but 40ms for a packet to go from San Francisco to San Jose (about
> 50 miles, or 80km) would indicate a problem; it should take the packet less
> than 1ms to cover that distance and back, so something else (congestion or
> processing delays, for example) must account for the other 39ms.
> There's a *lot* more in this presentation, about more complex issues such
> as
>   - how the way in which routers handle traceroute packets can produce
>   biased results (most routers handle traceroute packets much more slowly
> than
>   they handle "real" data packets, which can make things look much worse
> than
>   they are)
>   - how asymmetric paths can lead you astray (traceroute only shows you the
>   path *to* a system, but if you're pulling lots of bytes from the system,
>   as would typically be the case with a remote server, you probably care
> more
>   about the path back *from* the system, which might be totally different
>   - how using MPLS, which is increasingly common in carrier networks, can
>   lead to very confusing round-trip times in traceroute
> Anyway, if you ever use traceroute, I highly recommend that you review this
> excellent presentation. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at how much
> you learn.
> Thanks to Strata Chalup of
> Virtual.net<http://www.linkedin.com/in/virtualnet> for
> bringing this very informative presentation to my attention.
> -Brent
> --
> Brent Chapman <>
> Netomata, Inc. -- www.netomata.com
> Making networks more cost-effective, reliable, and flexible by automating
> network configuration
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