

    Using Windows 2008's ability to create symlinks I would like to
achieve the following goal:


  Using SCVMM's library features, create a symlink in the directory that
points to my storage of ISOs on another server.  (I do not want to
duplicate ISOs).



What I have done:

  * I have created symlinking ability with fsutil.  I've enabled all the

 * I have changed the system service accounts of VMM, and given the
paths the appropriate permissions

 * I have verified the user can browse locally.


What doesn't work, but I expect it should:

* Browsing to the library.  When I select the Symlink I get "The
symbolic link cannot be followed because its type is disallowed"

                   I read this is solved by enabling the policies with
fsutil..  I did that (L2L, R2L, L2R, and R2R all set to 1)

* When refreshing the SCVMM library, I receive an error:

VMM could not find the specified path
\\\MSSCVMMLibrary\VLK ISOs\Windows
2008\Windows_Svr_2008R2_64-bit.ISO on the server.


Ensure that you have specified a valid file name parameter, and then try
the operation again.


ID: 2904

Details: The system cannot find the path specified (0x80070003)


This is not a specific file issue.  I've tried to put a different one

Additionally, when refreshing, procmon gives a few interesting things:



5:13:18.9492881 PM   vmmAgent.exe  1924   CreateFile    \\itnas\it\VLK
ISOs\Windows 2008  REPARSE       Desired Access: Read Data/List
Directory, Synchronize, Disposition: Open, Options: Directory,
Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Write,
Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: <unknown>

5:13:18.9577624 PM   vmmAgent.exe  1924   CreateFile    \\itnas\it\VLK
ISOs\Windows 2008  SUCCESS       Desired Access: Read Data/List
Directory, Synchronize, Disposition: Open, Options: Directory,
Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Write,
Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened

5:13:18.9600948 PM   vmmAgent.exe  1924   QueryDirectory
\\itnas\it\VLK ISOs\Windows 2008\* SUCCESS       Filter: *, 1: .

5:13:18.9615475 PM   vmmAgent.exe  1924   QueryDirectory
\\itnas\it\VLK ISOs\Windows 2008  SUCCESS       0: .., 1:
Windows_Svr_2008R2_64-bit.ISO, 2: VLK.txt

5:13:18.9652212 PM   vmmAgent.exe  1924   QueryDirectory
\\itnas\it\VLK ISOs\Windows 2008  NO MORE FILES  

5:13:18.9652664 PM   vmmAgent.exe  1924   CloseFile     \\itnas\it\VLK
ISOs\Windows 2008  SUCCESS       



Any assistance in this would be greatly appreciated.

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