Getting ready to P2V a couple file servers.  OS is C: and all file
shares are on D:, E:, etc.  Our plan is to end up with the file share
drives on their own Volumes on our ISCSI SAN and use the ISCSI connector
on the VM guest over it's own VNIC.  This is the way we do it now with
Virtual SQL servers and it works great.  The only virtual disks will be
the OS boot drive.  My reasoning for this is because it's a whole lot
easier/quicker for me to mount a snap shot of the volume via ISCSI to
recover data than it would be to attach a snapshot of a virtual disk to
a VM to recover.  That's my reasoning unless someone would like to shoot
holes it for me, and yes if I had NFS I would use it but I don't.

My question is the procedure for migrating the file share data.  There's
about a dozen different ways I could do it.  But no matter if I set up a
new server and migrate the data with FSMT or P2V the entire server I
still have to get all the file shares and files and folders with their
security in tact from what the server would consider one physical drive
to another.  I would prefer to set up a new server so I could go from a
2003 to 2008R2 at the same time.  I thinking the easiest way would be to
set up the new VM server, move the data and shares with the file server
migration toolkit and then just rename the servers.  And probably swap
IP's just for the heck of it.  I know DFS would take care of not having
to rename the servers but I'm just trying to keep it simple and my
knowledge of DFS is very lacking.

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