

I am in the process of testing a Gradual Upgrade from SharePoint
services 2.0 to 3.0.

We have only one front end web server connecting to a SQL server 2005
back end.

I have 3 SharePoint Services 2.0 sites. 2 with content databases of
about 20Gb and the other much smaller at about 350mb.  All the sites
have there own IP addresses.


I have ran the Prescan.exe on the Webserver and all was OK with that.

I installed sharePoint services 3.0 choseing to do a Gradual Upgrade and
then ran the configuration Wizard where I chose to "Create a New Server


All of that seemed to go OK and the wizard finished.  I then opened the
SharePoint Services 3 Administration console and went to the Operations
Tab > Upgrade and Migration section and clicked on Site Content Upgrade


The first thing I noticed was that only 2 of my 3 sites were showing.
Which leads to my first question.


How do I get the site that is not showing to appear in the
Administration Console?


I then proceeded to upgrade the first of the 2 sites that were showing
in the administration console. The Upgrade seemed to go OK and I can
browse all the new upgraded site.  However I can not connect to the old
sharepoint services 2 site usingthe URL that was deffined during the
upgrade which was the IP address of the old site wiuth a new port
number.  (  I get an error message which says
"Service Unavailable"


So the second question is how do I browse the old SharePoint services
2.0 site.


The next issue is that when trying to upgrade the next site from the
Admin console I get an error that :   


"The IIS Web Site you have selected is in use by SharePoint.  You must
select another port or hostname"


I am starting the upgrade by clicking on the "Begin Upgrade" link  under
Operations Tab > Upgrade and Migration section and  Site Content Upgrade
status. And clicking the link "Begin upgrade" oppsite my site.  I am
filling in all the relevant detail.  We don't use Host Headers so I
leave that blank. I created a new Application Pool with a configurable
username and password. However when I click OK I then get the error
message. "The IIS Web Site you have selected is in use by SharePoint.
You must select another port or hostname"


I have tried the procedure several times with the same result.


Can anyone point me in the right direction for any or all of these


Thank you.




Kevan Dickinson

Network Manager


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