I got this from the AD Cookbook and it's giving me an error. Can someone 
test this and let me know if it works for them in a test environment? The 
site and subnet must exist for this to work. I'm getting the following 

(5, 49) Microsoft VBScript compilation error: Invalid character

Which corresponds to the "_" in front of "_strSubnetName". I've tried it 
without the "_" and get a null error. 

strNewSiteName = "TESTSite1" ' e.g. "Raleigh"
strSubnetName = "" ' e.g. ""

Set objRootDSE = GetObject("LDAP://RootDSE")
Set objSiteSettings = GetObject("LDAP://cn=" & _strSubnetName & _
        "cn=subnets,cn=sites," & _

objSiteSettings.Put "siteObject", _
        "cn=" & strNewSiteName & ",cn=sites," & _
WScript.Echo("Site Membership updated successfully!")

Not sure what the issue is here. 


Chris Bodnar, MCSE
Systems Engineer
Distributed Systems Service Delivery - Intel Services
Guardian Life Insurance Company of America
Email: christopher_bod...@glic.com
Phone: 610-807-6459
Fax: 610-807-6003

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