Just a note that the software in question was NOT installed. Vipre would not
allow it. J




From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:michealespin...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, April 16, 2010 1:59 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Ethics issue


Not defending the lack of catch-up before posting, but the OQ was of
morally-based opinion - and everyone likes to share those.

To add something not particularly opinionated, a lawyer friend cautioned
about the usefulness of such obtained information as well as the personal
litigation that you open yourself up to by facilitating and cooperating in
such acts - also include the fact that it was done in the capacity of an "IT
Manager" who altered a system security policy solely for the purpose of
introducing this "invasion of assumed privacy" element, which then in-turn
exposes the company as well.

Laws are different state-to-state and can legally be interpreted slightly
different judge-to-judge, but most[1] Family Court judges dont care about
proof of cheating unless there is a prenuptial agreement that lists
separation penalties.

1. This is the personal experience and knowledge of my lawyer friend who
also notes:  Although, there are some remaining states that do not observe
or have not officially become no-fault states regarding divorce - and will
hold a "cheating" party at fault.  But for the most of the country, cheating
is not a "crime" and is not against common laws.

Personal Note: I am not a lawyer, and non of this should be construed as
legal advice.  I recommend that OP contact the HR department of their
company, advise them of what has been done and that an employee is seeking
to "trap" an opposing party that they are engaged in active litigation
against; using company equipment.  HR should then in-turn seek the legal
council that is retained by their company.

Do not get your company involved in anything like this - regardless of your
personal feelings as a "man" or as a "friend".  Get yourself involved in
anything like this is ill-advised as well.  Be supportive, but not active.


On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 9:25 AM, Peter van Houten <peter...@gmail.com>


All the holier-than-thou replies *after* the OP told us that the problem
was sorted (in the same post, so no time zone problems there...) are far
to holy for me :-)

After all, we're here to help!

Have a good weekend all.

Peter van Houten

Sherry Abercrombie wrote the following:

Maybe they should catch up before they comment......

On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 11:02 AM, Webster <carlwebs...@gmail.com
<mailto:carlwebs...@gmail.com>> wrote:

   Not all list members are in the US or the same time zones as we
   Yanks are.  Give others time to catch up.


   *From:* Eric Brouwer [mailto:er...@forestpost.com
   *Subject:* Re: Ethics issue

   Guys, I think he gets it.  You guys would have handled it
   differently.  Great.  Maybe it was a friend of his he was trying to
   help.  Who knows.  He got a lot of good feedback.  Can we let it go now?


Sherry Abercrombie

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Arthur C. Clarke



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