I have 2 thoughts on the matter:

a) I'm sure you're familiar with the saying "devil you know vs the devil
you don't". You know the GFI product works. Your other options are
unknown quantities.

b) Consider defense in depth. These days most anti-spam implementations
also include anti-virus. If you use the same scanning engine on your
desktop as well as the inbound mail path, and the mail antivirus misses
some piece of malware...

On 5/4/2010 12:19 PM, Raper, Jonathan - Eagle wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> We recently replaced our AV (McAfee) with Trend for both clients and
> Exchange 2007 (sorry Sunbelt – we came REALLY close to choosing VIPRE).
> We did not purchase the spam filtering option with Trend ScanMail, but
> are now considering it. We’ve been running GFI MailEssentials for years
> on a dedicated box. We’re protecting between 400 and 500 mailboxes.
> The price for GFI continues to be attractive, so much so that hosted
> solutions don’t seem to be worth the cost differential… The first
> logical option to me would be to move toward Trend, but I’m not so sure
> that adding spam filtering at the Exchange Server level is a good idea
> from a resource perspective. We were there at one point years ago, with
> GFI and ended up moving off to a dedicated box, because GFI was eating
> up too many resources (we were getting HAMMERED with spam – million a
> month, easily).
> Has anyone on this list moved away from GFI to something else? If so,
> what did you move to and what was your reasoning?
> I welcome any and all thoughts/suggestions/experiences.


Phil Brutsche

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~ <http://www.sunbeltsoftware.com/Business/VIPRE-Enterprise/>  ~

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