On 14 May 2010 at 15:54, Peter van Houten  wrote:  

> Due to the change of government in the UK, the crisis has been averted and I
> have the luxury of inspecting the damage myself next week. I would, however
> still like to access the system remotely and since last night have Nessus
> trying to find an opening :-) 

Can you air-mail them a bootable rescue CD to allow you remote access (or have 
them download the ISO from http://www.sysresccd.org/Download and burn it 
themselves)?  In the past I have used SystemRescueCD to recover files from an 
unbootable Windows box.  SRCD includes an SSH server to which I logged in 
across the LAN using SSH.  From the remote shell, I was able to run ntfs-3g to 
mount the NTFS partition, then used WinSCP to copy files off the unbootable 
box.  I think this would fit the original need you stated at the start of this 
thread, to grab a file from the (l)user's desktop.  You just need to have your 
remote user press [TAB] and add "rootpass=password" to the SRCD command-line at 
boot-time to have the SSH server load automagically.

While I was googling to answer this, I discovered that the current 
SystemRescueCD also includes a "VNC server" boot option; I just booted a test 
VM using the latest SRCD, setting both a root password and a VNC password using 
command-line additions at boot time, and I was able both to SSH into the VM 
using PuTTY and to open a VNC session using my UltraVNC viewer.

FYI the "vncserver" addition to the default command-line, which I entered after 
pressing [TAB] on the boot-screen, is unfortunately missing from the on-CD SRCD 
boot-help screens.  After some dinking around, I found I needed to add 
"vncserver=2:passwd1 dhdhcp rootpass=passwd2" (without the "quotes", of course, 
and using your choice of passwords) to the default command-line.  The VNC 
password must be between 5 and 8 characters or VNC server won't load.  FYI the 
VNC server listens on port 5901 (and 5902 if you specify "vncserver=2:"), not 
the default of 5900.

The VNC session opened with a live terminal window, from within which I could 
mount the Windows partion and "see" it from Linux.

============= Included Stuff Follows =============
r...@sysrescuecd /root % ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /mnt/windows
r...@sysrescuecd /root % ls /mnt/windows
arcldr.exe    CONFIG.SYS              MSDOS.SYS     Program Files
arcsetup.exe  Documents and Settings  NTDETECT.COM  System Volume Information
AUTOEXEC.BAT  Install                 ntldr         WINNT
boot.ini      IO.SYS                  pagefile.sys
r...@sysrescuecd /root % 
============= Included Stuff Ends =============

This IMHO is a very powerful troubleshooting tool, and I am going to add this 
SRCD-with-SSHD_&_VNC_server to my troubleshooting tools for remote support on 
unbootable systems.

See also:
    Use SystemRescueCd remotely with VNC server
    or here if the above wraps unusably: http://preview.tinyurl.com/27a3m9r
    Manage remote windows & linux servers using SystemRescueCd
    or here if the above wraps unusably: http://preview.tinyurl.com/4g949q

Angus Scott-Fleming
GeoApps, Tucson, Arizona
Security Blog: http://geoapps.com/

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
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