No dice, I'm afraid.

The first suggestion hangs the login completely. Which makes sense, because the 
first script is waiting for the second script to finish, but the second script 
will never finish; its whole purpose is to run perpetually as long as the user 
is logged in.

The second suggestion calls the second script, but same problem as before--it 
only runs for a moment before quitting. The WScript.exe process doesn't 
continue to run in the background after the user is logged in.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Scott [] 
Sent: Monday, June 07, 2010 4:21 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Nested VBS in logon scripts

On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 4:05 PM, John Hornbuckle 
<> wrote:
> objShell.Run "\\server\path\SecondScript.vbs", 0, False

  First, try:

        objShell.Run "\\server\path\SecondScript.vbs", 0, True

  The "True" tells the script host to wait for the run command to finish before 

  If that doesn't work, try:

        objShell.Run "wscript  \\server\path\SecondScript.vbs", 0, True

  That should work for sure, as it explicitly starts a new script host.  You 
may need the full path to WSCRIPT.EXE; I'm not sure if .Run honors PATH or not.

-- Ben

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