On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 10:10 AM, Jeff Cain <je...@sunbelt-software.com> wrote:
> For what it's worth, I would not ever automate a kernel upgrade.

  Really, everything on a computer is "automated".  It's just a
question of how much human supervision you give it.

  It's not like if I type "yum update kernel\*" or "rpm --install
kernel*rpm" or "cp bzimage /boot/vmlinuz.new" that I'm actually doing
the work.

  How much human supervision one gives a kernel upgrade probabbly
depends most on how many boxes you're dealing with.  A single host in
a one-off config?  Yah, run commands manually, and check everything at
each stage.  A farm of 100s of identical servers?  That wants more
automation, with testing and staggered deployment to keep problems
from taking out everything at once.

-- Ben

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