We used Vipre last year until It couldn't stop conficker from spreading.
Installed Symantec Endpoint and haven't had any issues.  You have to
babysit Vipre way too much.


From: Carl Houseman [mailto:c.house...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, July 30, 2010 11:06 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: OT: Vipre effectiveness & false positives


I can understand FP's against lesser used applications, but when part of
Windows or a commonly installed MS product is tagged, there's no real
excuse for that IMHO.


Still, I've asked Alex to provide any comparison data he can come up
with, and to the extent the evidence is unbiased and convincing, I may
put forth Vipre as an alternative.


Thanks everybody for all the feedback.  




From: David Lum [mailto:david....@nwea.org] 
Sent: Friday, July 30, 2010 2:23 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: OT: Vipre effectiveness & false positives


As I have stated in previous AV threads, I actually use/manage 3
different AV products: Vipre Enterprise (3 clients, ~25 systems, plus my
home machines), Trend WorryFree (1 client, 55 systems) and McAfee
(%dayjob%, ~500 systems) and Vipre easily has more false positives  than
the other two: 3 in the last 12 months, vs zero for Trend and McAfee.
Twice it ate Outlook.exe, one other time it ate Iexplore.exe. Not enough
to make we want to switch from Vipre, just offering a data point.


A bit over a year ago Vipre replaced Trend at home (1 server, 3PC's),
Symantec at a client of 17, and standalone McAfee at a client of 7, no
major issues transitioning any of them. There were enough teething pains
(FP's) early on to prevent me from replacing it at the bigger client as
well as %dayjob%.


I avoided the recent McAfee fiasco because I grab updates ~20 hours
after they typcically release, didn't know Trend had one recently.


Alternately, none of these sites have had infections requiring a HDD





From: Ralph Smith <m...@gatewayindustries.org>
Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2010 8:49 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues <ntsysadmin@lyris.sunbelt-software.com>
Subject: RE: Vipre effectiveness & false positives

I don't disagree, but when you are presented with information you have
to evaluate the validity of the data, and hopefully get clarification
from those involved when it implies that there may be a problem.  Virus
Bulletin actually warned in the explanation of the chart that it was
just one result and that conclusions shouldn't be jumped to until there
was more data.  


And sometimes, a horse is just a horse, of course.




From: Kim Longenbaugh [mailto:k...@colonialsavings.com] 
Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2010 4:39 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Vipre effectiveness & false positives

My point was really that all AV vendors have experience FPs, not just


I agree that statistics can be a valuable tool, it's just that which
ones you choose and how you present them can be misleading.  For
example, in a horse race between the US and Russia, the US horse won.
In the American papers, it was reported that the US was took first
place.  In the Russian papers, it was reported that the US was next to
last and that Russia was second place.  The statistics reported in both
cases were true, but the picture they gave of the race was very


From: Ralph Smith [mailto:m...@gatewayindustries.org] 
Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2010 3:08 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Vipre effectiveness & false positives


True, but there were people on the VIPRE forum that were hit just as
hard by a couple of the FPs that VIPRE had.  I'm not knocking VIPRE at
all - I like it a lot and would purchase it again with no hesitation.


However, when a well known organization like Virus Bulletin publishes
test results, it makes sense to look at the data and try to understand
what it means and how it may impact your organization.   I personally
feel confident with Sunbelt, but I would be interested to understand how
they interpret the chart and what they feel the implications are for
their product.


By the way, some lies may be statistics, but not all statistics are
lies.  Information, including statistical, is the basis for sound
decision making.



From: Kim Longenbaugh [mailto:k...@colonialsavings.com] 
Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2010 2:28 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Vipre effectiveness & false positives


How about a little perspective on false positives?




and a reminder about statistics from Mark Twain:

"there's 3 kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics"



From: Ralph Smith [mailto:m...@gatewayindustries.org] 
Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2010 1:20 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Vipre effectiveness & false positives


I've had VIPRE for a couple of years now, and was fortunately not hit
hard with the false positive problems others have had.  With about 180
Win XP machines, I've had only a half dozen infections in that time -
all but one of the rogue AV kind, so I have been feeling pretty good.


However, the chart that was linked to is a bit worrying - the only
popular business class AV solution that scored worse was CA (my former
solution), and most of the others - McAfee, ESET, Kaspersky, Sophos to
name a few - show significantly better results.


It would be interesting to hear a comment from Sunbelt - a little
reassurance needed here. :-)  




From: Erik Goldoff [mailto:egold...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2010 1:48 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Vipre effectiveness & false positives


I don't know what you have now, but I can tell you from experience at
various client sites over the last year or so, none of the following was
without issues :  Trend, McAfee, Symantec SAV & SEP

On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 11:37 AM, Carl Houseman <c.house...@gmail.com>

For all of you staunch Vipre supporters, I'm just wondering, are you
still so staunch given the various false positives over the past year?
It seems like I remember reading here about one every quarter or so, and
I can confirm at least 3 since (from online records and messages I
didn't delete) since June 2009.  And how many of you have had to deal
with infections despite having an up-to-date Vipre?


Issue I'm debating is a switch from another product to Vipre, and even
though the price is very good, I'm looking at the Virusbtn RAP quadrant
(http://www.virusbtn.com/vb100/rap-index.xml) with a very poor showing
for "Sunbelt".   Including the false positives and cost of switching, it
doesn't add up to a good choice.  At least if the protection was much
better, then the occasional false positive might be justified.   Is
there any 3rd party comparison or statistic that gives Vipre a better
than average result?


I'm not looking for endorsements or praise for their tech support -
heard that all before.  But if you've had Vipre on 10 seats or more and
have kept track of live infections after a year or longer, and effort to
avoid or recover from false positives, that would be great to know.
Please include total number of seats in any report.









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~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
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