I should have *BOLDED* 'edge case'.  :)
For day to day use, I certainly wouldn't do it.

On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 2:27 PM, Michael B. Smith <mich...@smithcons.com>
> I'm not going to suggest that this doesn't work - because it does. At
least where-ever I've tried to use it.
> However, be aware that it is NOT SUPPORTED. Microsoft does not support
using versions of the .Net framework later than v2.0 with either PS v1 or PS
v2. It is not (and was not) part of the qualification criteria (i.e., QA
testing) for those releases. This has not changed in the betas for Server
2008 R2 sp1 or Windows 7 sp1, and I don't expect it to for the final
releases of those service packs (although I am not an insider - so that's
just a guess on my part).
> Note: this is a fine-line drawn in the sand. The .Net framework for 2.0,
3.0, and 3.5 are all based on 2.0 (and if you install 3.5, it also installs
2.0 sp2 or whatever). But 4.0 is a "break" from that and is a new base
release of .Net.
> Joel Bennett <jay...@huddledmasses.org> is a PowerShell MVP (as is Thomas
> Regards,
> Michael B. Smith
> Consultant and Exchange MVP
> http://TheEssentialExchange.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steven Peck [mailto:sep...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2010 4:21 PM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: Re: Finding a huge file dump from June...
> Here is an advanced look...
> For the edge case blogging guys on dotNet4:
> http://tfl09.blogspot.com/2010/08/using-newer-versions-of-net-with.html
> Here is the Yahoo Pipes feed I use which is maintained by Joel Bennett
> Steven Peck
> http://www.blkmtn.org
> On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 12:39 PM, Michael B. Smith <mich...@smithcons.com>
>> It is truly unfortunate, but that is actually a .NET framework
>> .Net 4, plus a patch, supports "arbitrary length" pathnames (i.e., up
>> to the NTFS limits), so I expect "some future version" of PS will too.
>> I'm not promising anything, just hoping. :-)
>> Regards,
>> Michael B. Smith
>> Consultant and Exchange MVP
>> http://TheEssentialExchange.com
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Kurt Buff [mailto:kurt.b...@gmail.com]
>> Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2010 3:30 PM
>> To: NT System Admin Issues
>> Subject: Re: Finding a huge file dump from June...
>> You Rock.
>> Awesome.
>> BTW: I'm running into lots of these errors:
>> Get-ChildItem : The specified path, file name, or both are too long.
>> The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the
directory name must be less than 248 characters.
>> I keep yelling at people to shorten their file names, but do they listen?
>> Any way to work around this in powershell?
>> Kurt
>> On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 12:22, Michael B. Smith <mich...@smithcons.com>
>>> get-childitem k:\groups -force -recurse |?
>>> {$_.CreationTime.ToString() -match "^2010-06-2[0-9]" } | format-table
>>> creationtime,length,fullname -auto
>>> Or select-string.
>>> No need to drop to findstr.
>>> Regards,
>>> Michael B. Smith
>>> Consultant and Exchange MVP
>>> http://TheEssentialExchange.com
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Kurt Buff [mailto:kurt.b...@gmail.com]
>>> Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2010 3:07 PM
>>> To: NT System Admin Issues
>>> Subject: Re: Finding a huge file dump from June...
>>> I tested this against a small directory, and am now running this:
>>> PS K:\> get-childitem k:\groups -force -recurse | format-table
>>> creationtime,length,fullname -auto | findstr ^2010-06-2 | findstr /v
>>> ^2010-06-20 | findstr /v ^2010-06-21 | findstr /v ^2010-06-22 |
>>> findstr /v ^2010-06-23 | findstr /v 2010-06-27 | findstr /v
>>> ^2010-06-28 | findstr /v ^2010-06-29 >  out.txt
>>> Your hint with 'fullname' was the last piece of the puzzle.
>>> I really need to start reading my powershell books - putting them
underneath my pillow just isn't cutting it...
>>> Need. More. Time.
>>> Kurt
>>> On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 20:52, Rubens Almeida <rubensalme...@gmail.com>
>>>> PowerShell... and here's one of my favorites one-liners to find big
>>>> dir c:\temp -force -recurse | sort length -desc | format-table
>>>> creationtime,lastwritetime,lastaccesstime,length,fullname -auto
>>>> You can sort the results replacing the length by any of the
>>>> properties after format-table
>>>> On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 9:48 PM, Kurt Buff <kurt.b...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> All,
>>>>> On our file server we have a single 1.5tb partition - it's on a SAN.
>>>>> Over the course of 4 days recently it went from about 30% free to
>>>>> about 13% free - someone slammed around 200gb onto the file server.
>>>>> I have a general idea of where it might be - there are two
>>>>> top-level directories that are over 200gb each.
>>>>> However, windirstat hasn't been completely helpful, as I can't seem
>>>>> to isolate which files were loaded during those days, and none of
>>>>> the files that I've been looking at were huge - no ISO or VHD files
>>>>> worth mentioning, etc..
>>>>> I also am pretty confident that there are a *bunch* of duplicate
>>>>> files on those directories.
>>>>> So, I'm looking for a couple of things:
>>>>> 1) A way to get a directory listing that supports a time/date stamp
>>>>> (my choice of atime, mtime or ctime) size and a complete path name
>>>>> for each file/directory on a single line - something like:
>>>>>     2009-01-08  16:12   854,509
>>>>> K:\Groups\training\On-Site_Special_Training\Customer1.doc
>>>>> I've tried every trick I can think of for the 'dir' command and it
>>>>> won't do what I want, and the 'ls' command from gunuwin32 doesn't
>>>>> seem to want to do this either. Is there a powershell one-liner
>>>>> that can do this for me perhaps?
>>>>> 2) A recommendation for a duplicate file finder - cheap or free
>>>>> would be preferred.
>>>>> Kurt
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>>>> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~
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>>> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~
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>> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~
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