I'm trying to install Win2k3 R2 SP2 in an ESX3.5 VM, from scratch.
It's blowing up on it big time, and I am really unhappy with it right


Install Disk1 (Win2k3 R2 SP2), reboot, then Disk2, then install the
VMWare tools, reboot, then join doimain - no problem.

Install first round of 90+ patches from the MSFT site, minus IE8 and
the malicious software removal tool, and plus a few optional goodies,
such as .NET framework updates, reboot - no problem

Install the second round of 43 updates, and no more DNS name
resolution. Error in the event log 11167 Dnsapi - I've looked at that,
and several other eventlog entries that probably stem from that. (17
W32tm, 1010 MsGina, 1053 Userenv in particular)

I've scratched the machine twice and started over, and it's the same
each time. I can resolve NetBIOS names, but it barks on any FQDN.
"Ping request could not find host ad.example.com. Please check the
name and try again."

EventID.net isn't much help, as I've tried everything on there I can
see, and it doesn't resolve the issue.

Anyone run into this? It's terribly weird...


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