Hi all,

I am working on something that I thought would be fairly simply, but I am
having trouble getting it to preview properly.

I am taking an int knobs value and using python to format it to a currency
string. Then I am setting the message using (knob.setValue(string)). It
works and when I scrub the values move up and down according to the integer
knobs value, but when I press play it only processes it once so the value
is static. Rendering seems to work, but that's not really beneficial.

Example node below:

Text {
 message "\$16,500"
 font /Library/Fonts/Arial.ttf
 yjustify center
 Transform 1
 box {0 0 1920 1080}
 center {960 540}
 name Currency
 selected true
 xpos 101
 ypos -232
 addUserKnob {20 User}
 addUserKnob {3 amount l Amount}
 amount {{curve L x20 50 x30 1500 16500 27550 355650 1650250}}
 addUserKnob {26 PythonHolders l "Python Placeholders below"}
 addUserKnob {3 setTotal l "Set Total"}
 setTotal {{"\[python -execlocal import\\ re\\n\\nn\\ =\\
nuke.thisNode()\\nnumber\\ =\\ int(n.knob('amount').value())\\namtLen\\ =\\
len(str(number))\\ntotal\\ =\\ n.knob('total')\\nmsg\\ =\\
n.knob('message')\\n\\nr\\ =\\ ('\$'\\ +\\
re.sub(r'(?<=\\\\d)(?=(\\\\d\\\\d\\\\d)+(\\\\.|\$))',\\ ',',\\
str(number)))\\n\\nmsg.setValue(r)\\n\\n\\nret\\ =\\ 1]"}}
 addUserKnob {1 total l Total}
 total "\$719"

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