Thanks Jean-Luc,

but in the timeline this won't do. I have heaps of plates that won't change and that most definitely want/need localised. The moment I build a comp track for a comp render it is localised as well, and thus will ignore subsequent updates. So I have to turn off localisation to see the actual state of the comp, not just some old state, but this also makes all the localised plates useless as those are now drawn from the server again too.

This looks like a massive design flaw to me unless I'm missing the obvious (which would be that localised files are re-localised when the originals change/are newer).

Guess I will send this into support.


On 05/23/2016 07:27 AM, jean-luc wrote:
Hi Frank

I have had the same experience. I thought the new localisation would be awesome, but it was working better in Nuke9. I have resorted to turn off the auto-localisation and I have made keyboard shortcuts to turn it on/off on selected nodes. And another shortcut to reload all read nodes.

That seems to work better, at least in a comp environment. I’m not sure how well it works in the timeline. Basically each time I want to check the local cache is up to date, I turn it off then on again and it re-localises the files. Then I press the reload all Read nodes to clear the buffer and voila!

I’m hoping for a functioning localisation in the next release, fingers crossed!
here’s what I have in my

def localOff():
    for i in nuke.selectedNodes('Read'):
        p = i['localizationPolicy']
    for i in nuke.selectedNodes('DeepRead'):
        p = i['localizationPolicy']
    for i in nuke.selectedNodes('ReadGeo'):
        p = i['localizationPolicy']

def localOn():
    for i in nuke.selectedNodes('Read'):
        p = i['localizationPolicy']
    for i in nuke.selectedNodes('DeepRead'):
        p = i['localizationPolicy']
    for i in nuke.selectedNodes('ReadGeo'):
        p = i['localizationPolicy']
menubar.addMenu("Cache").addCommand("set selected nodes localization OFF", 'localOff()', "F1") menubar.addMenu("Cache").addCommand("set selected nodes localization ON", 'localOn()', "F2")

def reload():
    for node in nuke.allNodes():
        if node.Class() == "Read":
        if node.Class() == "DeepRead":
        if node.Class() == "ReadGeo":

menubar.addMenu("Cache").addCommand("reload all Read", 'reload()', "F6")

On 22/05/2016, at 16:36, Frank Rueter|OHUfx < <>> wrote:

Hi all,

I had hoped that in Nuke/Hiero/NukeStudio/blabla v10 the localisation would be fixed in away that Nuke would recognise if the original clips have changed, but it doesn't seem to be the case. I am constantly updating clips in Nuke that already live in the timeline (Hiero), and once I localise the clips, Hiero won't look at the updated original files on the server ever again. F5, F8, nothing works other than manually deleting the localised files.
Am I missing something or is this actually still not workable?

I find this not just frustrating but rather dangerous, as you are looking at temporary (localised) files and may approve them, when in reality the files on the server that will be delivered to the client may be entirely different.

Anybody else?
I'm on Centos 7


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