Great! Worked!
Thanks Howard. You always seem to have the answer. :-)

Made a small change by swapping 1:0 to 0:1 at end.
Here’s final result.. Feel free to use obviously.. Just a very simple on/off 
gizmo for adding muzzle flashes etc for a certain frame or frame range, so you 
don’t have to fiddle around with keyframes.

set cut_paste_input [stack 0]
version 10.0 v3
CheckerBoard2 {
 inputs 0
 name CheckerBoard1
 selected true
 xpos -40
 ypos -183
Group {
 name FlashFrame
 tile_color 0xffc600ff
 label "\[value flash]"
 note_font "Bitstream Vera Sans Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold"
 note_font_color 0x992312ff
 selected true
 xpos -40
 ypos -63
 addUserKnob {20 User}
 addUserKnob {4 ff_type l duration t "choose between single frame or 
frame-range animation" M {"single frame" "extended range"}}
 ff_type "extended range"
 addUserKnob {3 flash l "flash frame" t "enter desired frame number for on/off 
 flash 20
 addUserKnob {26 ""}
 addUserKnob {3 framerange l "frame range"}
 framerange 5
 addUserKnob {41 firstframe l "first frame" T ff_framerange.firstframe}
 addUserKnob {41 lastframe l "last frame" T ff_framerange.lastframe}
 addUserKnob {26 ""}
 addUserKnob {26 description l "" +STARTLINE T "Simple on/off at desired frame. 
Useful for muzzle flashes etc."}
 addUserKnob {26 ver l "" +STARTLINE T "\nv2.0"}
 Input {
  inputs 0
  name Input1
  xpos 710
  ypos 540
 Dot {
  name Dot1
  note_font_size 27
  note_font_color 0xffffff
  xpos 741
  ypos 591
set N2b509a40 [stack 0]
 Multiply {
  value 0
  name Mult_FrameRange
  tile_color 0xffbf00ff
  xpos 710
  ypos 637
  disable {{"x<=ff_framerange.firstframe-1 || x>ff_framerange.lastframe?0:1"}}
set N2d863ba0 [stack 0]
push $N2b509a40
 Dot {
  name Dot2
  label single
  note_font Arial
  note_font_size 18
  note_font_color 0xffffff
  xpos 441
  ypos 591
 Multiply {
  value {{curve x-1 0 1 0}}
  name Multiply2
  xpos 410
  ypos 637
 TimeOffset {
  time_offset {{+FlashFrame.flash}}
  time ""
  name TimeOffset1
  label "\[knob time_offset]"
  xpos 410
  ypos 687
 Switch {
  inputs 2
  which {{FlashFrame.ff_type}}
  name Switch1
  xpos 710
  ypos 841
 Output {
  name Output1
  xpos 710
  ypos 941
 NoOp {
  inputs 0
  name ff_framerange
  tile_color 0xff0000ff
  xpos 860
  ypos 591
  addUserKnob {20 User}
  addUserKnob {3 firstframe l "first frame"}
  firstframe {{+FlashFrame.flash x27 26}}
  addUserKnob {3 lastframe l "last frame"}
  lastframe {{+FlashFrame.flash+framerange}}
push $N2d863ba0
 Viewer {
  frame 20
  frame_range 1-100
  fps 25
  name Viewer1
  xpos 597
  ypos 691

Check out some of my work... 

Mob:  +61 418 631 079 <tel:+61%20418%20631%20079>
Instagram: @7secondstoblack
Instagram: @durwood0781
Skype:  darren.coombes81
Twitter:  @durwood81

> On 10 Aug 2016, at 9:01 am, Howard Jones <> wrote:
> In disable knob
> x< || x>Noop.out?1:0
> Might work
> Howard
> On 9 Aug 2016, at 11:45 pm, Darren Coombes < 
> <>> wrote:
>> Say I’ve got a noOp set up with two integer knobs so you can enter a frame 
>> range..
>> and my desired frame range is setup as so..
>> in frame: 26
>> out frame: 35
>> Then I want to add a multiply node to turn on at frame 26 and turn off at 36 
>> so it’s acting like a switch to only view footage at that time.
>> I know i could do this using a retime, but being part of a gizmo I’m making, 
>> I can’t get the retime in and out to link to an expression, just doesn’t let 
>> me.
>> Any help?
>> Internals pasted below..
>> it’s the multiply node thats yellow and the noOp that’s red that I need to 
>> link up so the mix of the multiply turns on and off at desired frame range.
>> set cut_paste_input [stack 0]
>> version 10.0 v3
>> CheckerBoard2 {
>>  inputs 0
>>  name CheckerBoard1
>>  selected true
>>  xpos -40
>>  ypos -183
>> }
>> Group {
>>  name FlashFrame
>>  tile_color 0xffc600ff
>>  label "\[value flash]"
>>  note_font "Bitstream Vera Sans Bold Bold Bold Bold"
>>  note_font_color 0x992312ff
>>  selected true
>>  xpos -40
>>  ypos -63
>>  addUserKnob {20 User}
>>  addUserKnob {4 ff_type l duration t "choose between single frame or 
>> frame-range animation" M {"single frame" "extended range"}}
>>  addUserKnob {3 flash l "flash frame" t "enter desired frame number for 
>> on/off effect"}
>>  flash 27
>>  addUserKnob {26 "" +STARTLINE}
>>  addUserKnob {3 framerange l "frame range"}
>>  framerange 8
>>  addUserKnob {41 firstframe l "first frame" T ff_framerange.firstframe}
>>  addUserKnob {41 lastframe l "last frame" T ff_framerange.lastframe}
>>  addUserKnob {26 ""}
>>  addUserKnob {26 description l "" +STARTLINE T "Simple on/off at desired 
>> frame. Useful for muzzle flashes etc."}
>>  addUserKnob {26 ver l "" +STARTLINE T "\nv2.0"}
>> }
>>  Input {
>>   inputs 0
>>   name Input1
>>   xpos 710
>>   ypos 540
>>  }
>>  Dot {
>>   name Dot1
>>   note_font_size 27
>>   note_font_color 0xffffff
>>   xpos 741
>>   ypos 591
>>  }
>> set N2ae02290 [stack 0]
>>  Multiply {
>>   name Mult_FrameRange
>>   tile_color 0xffbf00ff
>>   xpos 710
>>   ypos 637
>>  }
>> push $N2ae02290
>>  Dot {
>>   name Dot2
>>   label single
>>   note_font Arial
>>   note_font_size 18
>>   note_font_color 0xffffff
>>   xpos 441
>>   ypos 591
>>  }
>>  Multiply {
>>   value {{curve x-1 0 1 0}}
>>   name Multiply2
>>   xpos 410
>>   ypos 637
>>  }
>>  TimeOffset {
>>   time_offset {{+FlashFrame.flash}}
>>   time ""
>>   name TimeOffset1
>>   label "\[knob time_offset]"
>>   xpos 410
>>   ypos 687
>>  }
>>  Switch {
>>   inputs 2
>>   name Switch1
>>   xpos 710
>>   ypos 841
>>  }
>>  Output {
>>   name Output1
>>   xpos 710
>>   ypos 941
>>  }
>>  NoOp {
>>   inputs 0
>>   name ff_framerange
>>   tile_color 0xff0000ff
>>   xpos 860
>>   ypos 591
>>   addUserKnob {20 User}
>>   addUserKnob {3 firstframe l "first frame"}
>>   firstframe {{+FlashFrame.flash x27 26}}
>>   addUserKnob {3 lastframe l "last frame"}
>>   lastframe {{+FlashFrame.flash+framerange}}
>>  }
>> end_group
>> Thanks.
>> Darren.
>> Check out some of my work...
>> <>
>> Mob:  +61 418 631 079 <tel:+61%20418%20631%20079>
>> IMDB: <>
>> Instagram: @7secondstoblack
>> Instagram: @durwood0781
>> Skype:  darren.coombes81
>> Twitter:  @durwood81
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