On 7/27/06, Francesc Altet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Travis,

> Speaking on what we regularly do, I would choose a 1.0b2.<svn_version> for the
> trunk version. This is a way to say people: "Hey, you are using a version
> that will be the 1.0b2 in the future.".  Of course, the same meaning can be
> achieved if you interpret that a X.Y.Z.<svn_version> means something like
> post-X.Y.Z. I think all depends on interpretation. I personally prefer the
> first option (i.e. start using a future release number in SVN), rather than
> the second (i.e. using a past release version in SVN) because I tend to find
> it slightly less confusing.

Just  as a reference, that's also what I do with ipython:

planck[homepage]> ip
Python 2.3.4 (#1, Feb  2 2005, 12:11:53)
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

IPython 0.7.3.svn -- An enhanced Interactive Python.

This means  'what will be 0.7.3, currently from svn'.  I don't
actually tack the revision number, only the 'svn' indicator, but it's
the same idea.   Since ipython's dev pace is slower, I don't worry so
much about individual numbers, but this lets me know easily if someone
is reporting a bug from running off SVN or an official release.



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