On Wed, Jul 25, 2018 at 4:02 PM Stefan van der Walt <stef...@berkeley.edu>

> Hi Chris,
> On Wed, 25 Jul 2018 08:13:26 -0700, Chris Barker - NOAA Federal wrote:
> > For example, I am very wary of putting a non-fixed width encoding (e.g.
> > Utf-8) in a fixed width field.
> >
> > But this PR is not the place to discuss that.
> Since you've followed that discussion closely, can you push a commit to
> my PR with text that more accurately captures the situation?
> Thanks!
> Stéfan

Hi Chris,

Obviously the string dtype proposal in the roadmap is only a sketch at this
point :).

I do think that options listed currently (encoded strings with fixed-width
storage and variable length strings) cover the breadth of proposals from
last time. We may not want to implement all of them in NumPy, but I think
we can agree that there are use cases for all them, even if only as
external dtypes?

Would it help to add "and/or" after the first bullet? Mostly I care about
having like to have "improve string dtypes" in some form on the roadmap,
and thought it would be helpful to list the concrete proposals that I
recall. The actual design choices (especially if we proposal to change any
default behavior) will certainly need a NEP.

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