Over the past few days spambots have been hitting freenode's IRC channels[0, 1]. It turns out the #numpy channel has no operator, so we cannot make the channel mode "|+q $~a"[2] - i.e. only registered freenode users can talk but anyone can listen.

I was in touch with the freenode staff, they requested that someone from the steering council reach out to them at ||proje...@freenode.net, here is the quote from the discussion:

it's pretty much a matter of them sending an email telling us who they'd like to represent them on freenode, which channels and cloak namespaces they want, and any info we might need on the project

In the mean time they set the channel mode appropriately, so this is also a notice that if you want to chat on the #numpy IRC channel you need to register.

Hope someone from the council picks this up and reaches out to them, and will decide who is to able to become channel operators (the recommended practice is to use it like sudo, only assume the role when needed then turn it back off).


[0] https://freenode.net/news/spambot-attack
[1] https://freenode.net/news/spam-shake
[2] https://nedbatchelder.com/blog/201808/fighting_spam_on_freenode.html
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