On Fri, Aug 17, 2018 at 2:00 AM Hans Dembinski <hans.dembin...@gmail.com>

> Hi Sylvain,
> On 16. Aug 2018, at 13:29, Sylvain Corlay <sylvain.cor...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Actually, xtensor-python does a lot more in terms of numpy bindings, as it
> uses the C APIs of numpy directly for a number of things.
> Plus, the integration into the xtensor expression system lets you do
> things such as view / broadcasting / newaxis / ufuncs directly from the C++
> side (and all that is in the cheat sheets).
> ok, good, but my point was different. The page in question is about Python
> as a glue language. The other solutions on that site are general purpose
> binding solutions for any kind of C++ code, while xtensor-python is
> xtensor-specific. xtensor in turn is a library that mimics the numpy API in
> C++.

Even if you don't use the numpy-mimicking parts of the xtensor API,
xtensor-python is a probably a net improvement over pybind11 for
communicating arrays back and forth across the C++/Python boundary. Even if
the rest of your C++ code doesn't use xtensor, you could profitably use
xtensor-python at the interface. Also, though the article is generally
framed as using Python as a glue language (i.e. communicating with existing
C/C++/Fortran code), it is also relevant for the use case where you are
writing the C/C++/Fortran code from scratch (perhaps just accelerating
small kernels or whatever). Talking about the available options for that
use case is perfectly on-topic for that article.

You don't have to be the one that writes it, though, if you just want to
cover pybind11.

Robert Kern
NumPy-Discussion mailing list

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