On Wed, Aug 15, 2018 at 9:45 AM, Stephan Hoyer <sho...@gmail.com> wrote:
> RE: accidental differences in behavior:
> I actually think that the __array_function__ approach is *less* prone to
> accidental differences in behavior, because we require implementing every
> function directly (or it raises an error).
> This avoids a classic subclassing problem that has plagued NumPy for years,
> where overriding the behavior of method A causes apparently unrelated method
> B to break, because it relied on method A internally. In NumPy, this
> constrained our implementation of np.median(), because it needed to call
> np.mean() in order for subclasses implementing units to work properly.

I don't think I follow... if B uses A internally, then overriding A
shouldn't cause B to break, unless the overridden A is buggy.

The median() case was different: it wasn't overriding A that caused B
to break, that part worked fine. It was when we changed the
implementation of B that we had problems.

...actually, this made me realize that I was uncertain about what
exactly happened in that case. I just checked, and AFAICT with current
astropy the call to mean() is unnecessary. I tried modifying np.median
to remove the call to mean, and it still gave the same result for
np.median([1, 2, 3] * u.m). I also checked np.percentile, and it seems
to work fine on units-arrays if you make it call np.asanyarray instead
of np.asarray.

The issue is here if anyone else wants to refresh their memory:

Reading the comments there it looks like we might have hacked
np.median so it (a) uses np.asanyarray, and (b) always calls np.mean,
and actually the 'asanyarray' change is what astropy needed and the
'mean' part was just a red herring all along! Whoops. And here I've
been telling this story for years now...

> RE: a hypothetical simplified interface:
> The need to implement everything you want to use in NumPy's public API could
> certainly be onerous, but on the other hand there are a long list of
> projects that have already done this today -- and these are the projects
> that most need __array_function__.
> I'm sure there are cases were simplification would be warranted, but in
> particular I don't think __array_concatenate__ has significant advantages
> over simply implementing __array_function__ for np.concatenate. It's a
> slightly different way of spelling, but it basically does the same thing.
> The level of complexity to implement hstack, vstack, row_stack and
> column_stack in terms of np.concatenate is pretty minimal.
> __array_function__ implementors could easily copy and paste code from NumPy
> or use a third-party helpers library (like NDArrayOperatorsMixin) that
> provides such implementations.

And when we fix a bug in row_stack, this means we also have to fix it
in all the copy-paste versions, which won't happen, so np.row_stack
has different semantics on different objects, even if they started out
matching. The NDArrayOperatorsMixin reduces the number of duplicate
copies of the same code that need to be updated, but 2 copies is still
a lot worse than 1 copy :-).

> I also have other concerns about the "simplified API" approach beyond the
> difficulty of figuring it out, but those are already mentioned in the NEP:
> http://www.numpy.org/neps/nep-0018-array-function-protocol.html#implementations-in-terms-of-a-limited-core-api

Yeah, there are definitely trade-offs. I don't have like, knock-down
rebuttals to these or anything, but since I didn't comment on them
before I might as well say a few words :-).

> 1. The details of how NumPy implements a high-level function in terms of 
> overloaded functions now becomes an implicit part of NumPy’s public API. For 
> example, refactoring stack to use np.block() instead of np.concatenate() 
> internally would now become a breaking change.

The way I'm imagining this would work is, we guarantee not to take a
function that used to be implemented in terms of overridable
operations, and refactor it so it's implemented in terms of
overridable operations. So long as people have correct implementations
of __array_concatenate__ and __array_block__, they shouldn't care
which one we use. In the interim period where we have
__array_concatenate__ but there's no such thing as __array_block__,
then that refactoring would indeed break things, so we shouldn't do
that :-). But we could fix that by adding __array_block__.

> 2. Array libraries may prefer to implement high level functions differently 
> than NumPy. For example, a library might prefer to implement a fundamental 
> operations like mean() directly rather than relying on sum() followed by 
> division. More generally, it’s not clear yet what exactly qualifies as core 
> functionality, and figuring this out could be a large project.

True. And this is a very general problem... for example, the
appropriate way to implement logistic regression is very different
in-core versus out-of-core. You're never going to be able to take code
written for ndarray, drop in an arbitrary new array object, and get
optimal results in all cases -- that's just way too ambitious to hope
for. There will be cases where reducing to operations like sum() and
division is fine. There will be cases where you have a high-level
operation like logistic regression, where reducing to sum() and
division doesn't work, but reducing to slightly-higher-level
operations like np.mean also doesn't work, because you need to redo
the whole high-level operation. And then there will be cases where
sum() and division are too low-level, but mean() is high-level enough
to make the critical difference. It's that last one where it's
important to be able to override mean() directly. Are there a lot of
cases like this?

For mean() in particular I doubt it. But then, mean() in particular is
irrelevant here, because mean() is already directly overridable,
regardless of __array_function__ :-). So really the question is about
the larger landscape of numpy APIs: What traps are lurking in the
underbrush that we don't know about? And yeah, the intuition behind
the "simplified API" approach is that we need to do the work to clear
out that underbrush, and the downside is exactly that that will be a
lot of work and take time. So... I think this criticism is basically
that restated?

> 3. We don’t yet have an overloading system for attributes and methods on 
> array objects, e.g., for accessing .dtype and .shape. This should be the 
> subject of a future NEP, but until then we should be reluctant to rely on 
> these properties.

This one I don't understand. If you have a duck-array object, and you
want to access its .dtype or .shape attributes, you just... write
myobj.dtype or myobj.shape? That doesn't need a NEP though so I must
be missing something :-).

>> But... this is wishful thinking. No matter what the NEP says, I simply
>> don't believe that we'll actually go break dask, sparse arrays,
>> xarray, and sklearn in a numpy point release. Or any numpy release.
>> Nor should we. If we're serious about keeping this experimental – and
>> I think that's an excellent idea for now! – then IMO we need to do
>> something more to avoid getting trapped by backwards compatibility.
> I agree, but to be clear, development for dask, sparse and xarray (and even
> broadly supported machine learning libraries like TensorFlow) still happens
> at a much faster pace than is currently the case for "core" projects in the
> SciPy stack like NumPy. It would not be a big deal to encounter breaking
> changes in a "major" NumPy release (i.e., 1.X -> 1.(X+1)).
> (Side note: sklearn doesn't directly implement any array types, so I don't
> think it would make use of __array_function__ in any way, except possibly to
> implement overloadable functions.)

They don't implement array types, but they do things like use sparse
arrays internally, so from the user's point of view you could have
some code that only uses numpy and sklearn, and then the new numpy
release breaks sklearn (because it broke the sparse package that
sklearn was using internally).

>> My suggestion: at numpy import time, check for an envvar, like say
>> NUMPY_EXPERIMENTAL_ARRAY_FUNCTION=1. If it's not set, then all the
>> __array_function__ dispatches turn into no-ops. This lets interested
>> downstream libraries and users try this out, but makes sure that we
>> won't have a hundred thousand end users depending on it without
>> realizing.
>> - makes it easy for end-users to check how much overhead this adds (by
>> running their code with it enabled vs disabled)
>> - if/when we decide to commit to supporting it for real, we just
>> remove the envvar.
> I'm slightly concerned that the cost of reading an environment variable with
> os.environ could exaggerate the performance cost of __array_function__. It
> takes about 1 microsecond to read an environment variable on my laptop,
> which is comparable to the full overhead of __array_function__.

That's why I said "at numpy import time" :-). I was imagining we'd
check it once at import, and then from then on it'd be stashed in some
C global, so after that the overhead would just be a single
predictable branch 'if (array_function_is_enabled) { ... }'.

> So we may
> want to switch to an explicit Python API instead, e.g.,
> np.enable_experimental_array_function().

If we do this, then libraries that want to use __array_function__ will
just call it themselves at import time. The point of the env-var is
that our policy is not to break end-users, so if we want an API to be
provisional and experimental then it's end-users who need to be aware
of that before using it. (This is also an advantage of checking the
envvar only at import time: it means libraries can't easily just
setenv() to enable the functionality behind users' backs.)

> My bigger concern is when/how we decide to graduate __array_function__ from
> requiring an explicit opt-in. We don't need to make a final decision now,
> but it would be good to clear about what specifically we are waiting for.

The motivation for keeping it provisional is that we'll know more
after we have some implementation experience, so our future selves
will be in a better position to make this decision. If I knew what I
was waiting for, I might not need to wait :-).

But yeah, to be clear, I'm totally OK with the possibility that we'll
do this for a few releases and then look again and be like "eh... now
that we have more experience, it looks like the original plan was fine
after all, let's remove the envvar and document some kind of
accelerated deprecation cycle".

>> I don't really understand the 'types' frozenset. The NEP says "it will
>> be used by most __array_function__ methods, which otherwise would need
>> to extract this information themselves"... but they still need to
>> extract the information themselves, because they still have to examine
>> each object and figure out what type it is. And, simply creating a
>> frozenset costs ~0.2 µs on my laptop, which is overhead that we can't
>> possibly optimize later...
> The most flexible alternative would be to just say that we provide an
> fixed-length iterable, and return a tuple object. (In my microbenchmarks,
> it's faster to make a tuple than a list or set.) In an early draft of the
> NEP, I proposed exactly this, but the speed difference seemed really
> marginal to me.
> I included 'types' in the interface because I really do think it's something
> that almost all __array_function__ implementations should use use. It
> preserves a nice separation of concerns between dispatching logic and
> implementations for a new type. At least as long as __array_function__ is
> experimental, I don't think we should be encouraging people to write
> functions that could return NotImplemented directly and to rely entirely on
> the NumPy interface.
> Many but not all implementations will need to look at argument types. This
> is only really essential for cases where mixed operations between NumPy
> arrays and another type are allowed. If you only implement the NumPy
> interface for MyArray objects, then in the usual Python style you wouldn't
> need isinstance checks.
> It's also important from an ecosystem perspective. If we don't make it easy
> to get type information, my guess is that many __array_function__ authors
> wouldn't bother to return NotImplemented for unexpected types, which means
> that __array_function__ will break in weird ways when used with objects from
> unrelated libraries.

This is much more of a detail as compared to the rest of the
discussion, so I don't want to quibble too much about it. (Especially
since if we keep things really-provisional, we can change our mind
about the argument later :-).) Mostly I'm just confused, because there
are lots of __dunder__ functions in Python (and NumPy), and none of
them take a special 'types' argument... so what's special about
__array_function__ that makes it necessary/worthwhile?

Any implementation of, say, concatenate-via-array_function is going to
involve iterating through all the arguments and looking at each of
them to figure out what kind of object it is and how to handle it,
right? That's true whether or not they've done a "pre-check" using the
types set, so in theory it's just as easy to return NotImplemented at
that point. But I guess your point in the last paragraph is that this
means there will be lots of chances to mess up the
NotImplemented-returning code in particular, especially since it's
less likely to be tested than the happy path, which seems plausible.
So basically the point of the types set is to let people factor out
that little bit of lots of functions into one common place? I guess
some careful devs might be unhappy with paying extra so that other
lazier devs can get away with being lazy, but maybe it's a good
tradeoff for us (esp. since as numpy devs, we'll be getting the bug
reports regardless :-)).

If that's the goal, then it does make me wonder if there might be a
more direct way to accomplish it -- like, should we let classes define
an __array_function_types__ attribute that numpy would check before
even trying to dispatch to __array_function__?


Nathaniel J. Smith -- https://vorpus.org
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