On 08/10/18 23:31, Robert T. McGibbon wrote:
Is anyone aware of any tricks that can be played with tools like `readelf`, `nm` or `dlopen` / `dlsym` in order to statically determine what version of numpy a fully-compiled C extension (for example, found inside a wheel) was compiled against? Even if it only worked with relatively new versions of numpy, that would be fine.

I'm interested in creating something similar to https://github.com/pypa/auditwheel that could statically check for compatibility between wheel files and python installations, in situations where the metadata about how they were compiled is missing.

NPY_ABI_VERSION is exposed in C as PyArray_GetNDArrayCVersion and NPY_API_VERSION is exposed in C as PyArray_GetNDArrayCFeatureVersion. These are not incremented for every NumPy release, see the documentation in numpy/core/setup_common.py.

The numpy.__version__ is determined by a python file numpy/version.py, which is probably what you want to use.

There is an open Issue to better reveal compile time info https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/10983

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