Since there seem to be no objections, I think we're going ahead with
this enhancement for np.nan_to_num.


On 4/4/19 1:11 PM, kikocorreoso wrote:
> Hi all,
> I propose to add some keywords to nan_to_num function. The addition do 
> not modify the actual behavior. Information related with this addition 
> can be found in these links:
> The basic idea is to allow the user to use their own defined values when 
> replacing nan, positive infinity and/or negative infinity. The proposed 
> names for the keywords are 'nan', posinf', and 'neginf' respectively. So 
> the usage would be something like this:
>>>> a = np.array((np.nan, 2, 3, np.inf, 4, 5, -np.inf))
>>>> np.nan_to_num(a, nan=-999)
> array([-9.99000000e+002,  2.00000000e+000,  3.00000000e+000,
>          1.79769313e+308,  4.00000000e+000,  5.00000000e+000,
>         -1.79769313e+308])
>>>> np.nan_to_num(a, posinf=np.nan, neginf=np.nan)
> array([ 0.,  2.,  3., nan,  4.,  5., nan])
> Please, could you comment if it would be useful the addition?, if the PR 
> needs any change?...
> Thanks to Eric, Joseph, Allan and Matti for their comments and revisions 
> on GH.
> Kind regards.
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