On Fri, Sep 6, 2019 at 2:45 PM Ralf Gommers <ralf.gomm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> There may be another very concrete one (that's not yet in the NEP): allowing 
> other libraries that consume ndarrays to use overrides. An example is 
> numpy.fft: currently both mkl_fft and pyfftw monkeypatch NumPy, something we 
> don't like all that much (in particular for mkl_fft, because it's the default 
> in Anaconda). `__array_function__` isn't able to help here, because it will 
> always choose NumPy's own implementation for ndarray input. With unumpy you 
> can support multiple libraries that consume ndarrays.

unumpy doesn't help with this either though, does it? unumpy is
double-opt-in: the code using np.fft has to switch to using unumpy.fft
instead, and then someone has to enable the backend. But MKL/pyfftw
started out as opt-in – you could `import mkl_fft` or `import pyfftw`
– and the whole reason they switched to monkeypatching is that they
decided that opt-in wasn't good enough for them.

>> The import numpy.overridable part is meant to help garner adoption, and to 
>> prefer the unumpy module if it is available (which will continue to be 
>> developed separately). That way it isn't so tightly coupled to the release 
>> cycle. One alternative Sebastian Berg mentioned (and I am on board with) is 
>> just moving unumpy into the NumPy organisation. What we fear keeping it 
>> separate is that the simple act of a pip install unumpy will keep people 
>> from using it or trying it out.
> Note that this is not the most critical aspect. I pushed for vendoring as 
> numpy.overridable because I want to not derail the comparison with NEP 30 et 
> al. with a "should we add a dependency" discussion. The interesting part to 
> decide on first is: do we need the unumpy override mechanism? Vendoring 
> opt-in vs. making it default vs. adding a dependency is of secondary interest 
> right now.

Wait, but I thought the only reason we would have a dependency is if
we're exporting it as part of the numpy namespace. If we keep the
import as `import unumpy`, then it works just as well, without any
dependency *or* vendoring in numpy, right?


Nathaniel J. Smith -- https://vorpus.org
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