On Wed, Feb 5, 2020 at 8:02 AM Andreas Mueller <t3k...@gmail.com> wrote:

> A bit late to the NEP 37 party.
> I just wanted to say that at least from my perspective it seems a great
> solution that will help sklearn move towards more flexible compute engines.
> I think one of the biggest issues is array creation (including random
> arrays), and that's handled quite nicely with NEP 37.

Andreas, thanks for sharing your feedback here! Your perspective is really

> - We use scipy.linalg in many places, and we would need to do a separate
> dispatching to check whether we can use module.linalg instead
>  (that might be an issue for many libraries but I'm not sure).

This brings up a good question -- obviously the final decision here is up
to SciPy maintainers, but how should we encourage SciPy to support

We could pretty easily make __array_function__ cover SciPy by simply
exposing NumPy's internal utilities. SciPy could simply use the
np.array_function_dispatch decorator internally and that would be enough.

It is less clear how this could work for __array_module__, because
__array_module__ and get_array_module() are not generic -- they refers
explicitly to a NumPy like module. If we want to extend it to SciPy (for
which I agree there are good use-cases), what should that look like?

The obvious choices would be to either add a new protocol, e.g.,
__scipy_module__ (but then NumPy needs to know about SciPy), or to add some
sort of "module request" parameter to np.get_array_module(), to indicate
the requested API, e.g., np.get_array_module(*arrays, matching='scipy').
This is pretty similar to the "default" argument but would need to get
passed into the __array_module__ protocol, too.

> - Some models have several possible optimization algorithms, some of which
> are pure numpy and some which are Cython. If someone provides a different
> array module,
>  we might want to choose an algorithm that is actually supported by that
> module. While this exact issue is maybe sklearn specific, a similar issue
> could appear for most downstream libs that use Cython in some places.
>  Many Cython algorithms could be implemented in pure numpy with a
> potential slowdown, but once we have NEP 37 there might be a benefit to
> having a pure NumPy implementation as an alternative code path.
> Anyway, NEP 37 seems a great step in the right direction and would enable
> sklearn to actually dispatch in some places. Dispatching just based on
> __array_function__ seems not really feasible so far.
> Best,
> Andreas Mueller
> On 1/6/20 11:29 PM, Stephan Hoyer wrote:
> I am pleased to present a new NumPy Enhancement Proposal for discussion:
> "NEP-37: A dispatch protocol for NumPy-like modules." Feedback would be
> very welcome!
> The full text follows. The rendered proposal can also be found online at
> https://numpy.org/neps/nep-0037-array-module.html
> Best,
> Stephan Hoyer
> ===================================================
> NEP 37 — A dispatch protocol for NumPy-like modules
> ===================================================
> :Author: Stephan Hoyer <sho...@google.com>
> :Author: Hameer Abbasi
> :Author: Sebastian Berg
> :Status: Draft
> :Type: Standards Track
> :Created: 2019-12-29
> Abstract
> --------
> NEP-18's ``__array_function__`` has been a mixed success. Some projects
> (e.g.,
> dask, CuPy, xarray, sparse, Pint) have enthusiastically adopted it. Others
> (e.g., PyTorch, JAX, SciPy) have been more reluctant. Here we propose a new
> protocol, ``__array_module__``, that we expect could eventually subsume
> most
> use-cases for ``__array_function__``. The protocol requires explicit
> adoption
> by both users and library authors, which ensures backwards compatibility,
> and
> is also significantly simpler than ``__array_function__``, both of which we
> expect will make it easier to adopt.
> Why ``__array_function__`` hasn't been enough
> ---------------------------------------------
> There are two broad ways in which NEP-18 has fallen short of its goals:
> 1. **Maintainability concerns**. `__array_function__` has significant
>    implications for libraries that use it:
>    - Projects like `PyTorch
>      <https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/22402>`_, `JAX
>      <https://github.com/google/jax/issues/1565>`_ and even `scipy.sparse
>      <https://github.com/scipy/scipy/issues/10362>`_ have been reluctant
> to
>      implement `__array_function__` in part because they are concerned
> about
>      **breaking existing code**: users expect NumPy functions like
>      ``np.concatenate`` to return NumPy arrays. This is a fundamental
>      limitation of the ``__array_function__`` design, which we chose to
> allow
>      overriding the existing ``numpy`` namespace.
>    - ``__array_function__`` currently requires an "all or nothing"
> approach to
>      implementing NumPy's API. There is no good pathway for **incremental
>      adoption**, which is particularly problematic for established projects
>      for which adopting ``__array_function__`` would result in breaking
>      changes.
>    - It is no longer possible to use **aliases to NumPy functions** within
>      modules that support overrides. For example, both CuPy and JAX set
>      ``result_type = np.result_type``.
>    - Implementing **fall-back mechanisms** for unimplemented NumPy
> functions
>      by using NumPy's implementation is hard to get right (but see the
>      `version from dask <https://github.com/dask/dask/pull/5043>`_),
> because
>      ``__array_function__`` does not present a consistent interface.
>      Converting all arguments of array type requires recursing into generic
>      arguments of the form ``*args, **kwargs``.
> 2. **Limitations on what can be overridden.** ``__array_function__`` has
> some
>    important gaps, most notably array creation and coercion functions:
>    - **Array creation** routines (e.g., ``np.arange`` and those in
>      ``np.random``) need some other mechanism for indicating what type of
>      arrays to create. `NEP 36 <https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/14715
> >`_
>      proposed adding optional ``like=`` arguments to functions without
>      existing array arguments. However, we still lack any mechanism to
>      override methods on objects, such as those needed by
>      ``np.random.RandomState``.
>    - **Array conversion** can't reuse the existing coercion functions like
>      ``np.asarray``, because ``np.asarray`` sometimes means "convert to an
>      exact ``np.ndarray``" and other times means "convert to something
> _like_
>      a NumPy array." This led to the `NEP 30
>      <https://numpy.org/neps/nep-0030-duck-array-protocol.html>`_
> proposal for
>      a separate ``np.duckarray`` function, but this still does not resolve
> how
>      to cast one duck array into a type matching another duck array.
> ``get_array_module`` and the ``__array_module__`` protocol
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> We propose a new user-facing mechanism for dispatching to a duck-array
> implementation, ``numpy.get_array_module``. ``get_array_module`` performs
> the
> same type resolution as ``__array_function__`` and returns a module with
> an API
> promised to match the standard interface of ``numpy`` that can implement
> operations on all provided array types.
> The protocol itself is both simpler and more powerful than
> ``__array_function__``, because it doesn't need to worry about actually
> implementing functions. We believe it resolves most of the maintainability
> and
> functionality limitations of ``__array_function__``.
> The new protocol is opt-in, explicit and with local control; see
> :ref:`appendix-design-choices` for discussion on the importance of these
> design
> features.
> The array module contract
> =========================
> Modules returned by ``get_array_module``/``__array_module__`` should make a
> best effort to implement NumPy's core functionality on new array types(s).
> Unimplemented functionality should simply be omitted (e.g., accessing an
> unimplemented function should raise ``AttributeError``). In the future, we
> anticipate codifying a protocol for requesting restricted subsets of
> ``numpy``;
> see :ref:`requesting-restricted-subsets` for more details.
> How to use ``get_array_module``
> ===============================
> Code that wants to support generic duck arrays should explicitly call
> ``get_array_module`` to determine an appropriate array module from which to
> call functions, rather than using the ``numpy`` namespace directly. For
> example:
> .. code:: python
>     # calls the appropriate version of np.something for x and y
>     module = np.get_array_module(x, y)
>     module.something(x, y)
> Both array creation and array conversion are supported, because
> dispatching is
> handled by ``get_array_module`` rather than via the types of function
> arguments. For example, to use random number generation functions or
> methods,
> we can simply pull out the appropriate submodule:
> .. code:: python
>     def duckarray_add_random(array):
>         module = np.get_array_module(array)
>         noise = module.random.randn(*array.shape)
>         return array + noise
> We can also write the duck-array ``stack`` function from `NEP 30
> <https://numpy.org/neps/nep-0030-duck-array-protocol.html>`_, without the
> need
> for a new ``np.duckarray`` function:
> .. code:: python
>     def duckarray_stack(arrays):
>         module = np.get_array_module(*arrays)
>         arrays = [module.asarray(arr) for arr in arrays]
>         shapes = {arr.shape for arr in arrays}
>         if len(shapes) != 1:
>             raise ValueError('all input arrays must have the same shape')
>         expanded_arrays = [arr[module.newaxis, ...] for arr in arrays]
>         return module.concatenate(expanded_arrays, axis=0)
> By default, ``get_array_module`` will return the ``numpy`` module if no
> arguments are arrays. This fall-back can be explicitly controlled by
> providing
> the ``module`` keyword-only argument. It is also possible to indicate that
> an
> exception should be raised instead of returning a default array module by
> setting ``module=None``.
> How to implement ``__array_module__``
> =====================================
> Libraries implementing a duck array type that want to support
> ``get_array_module`` need to implement the corresponding protocol,
> ``__array_module__``. This new protocol is based on Python's dispatch
> protocol
> for arithmetic, and is essentially a simpler version of
> ``__array_function__``.
> Only one argument is passed into ``__array_module__``, a Python collection
> of
> unique array types passed into ``get_array_module``, i.e., all arguments
> with
> an ``__array_module__`` attribute.
> The special method should either return an namespace with an API matching
> ``numpy``, or ``NotImplemented``, indicating that it does not know how to
> handle the operation:
> .. code:: python
>     class MyArray:
>         def __array_module__(self, types):
>             if not all(issubclass(t, MyArray) for t in types):
>                 return NotImplemented
>             return my_array_module
> Returning custom objects from ``__array_module__``
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ``my_array_module`` will typically, but need not always, be a Python
> module.
> Returning a custom objects (e.g., with functions implemented via
> ``__getattr__``) may be useful for some advanced use cases.
> For example, custom objects could allow for partial implementations of duck
> array modules that fall-back to NumPy (although this is not recommended in
> general because such fall-back behavior can be error prone):
> .. code:: python
>     class MyArray:
>         def __array_module__(self, types):
>             if all(issubclass(t, MyArray) for t in types):
>                 return ArrayModule()
>             else:
>                 return NotImplemented
>     class ArrayModule:
>         def __getattr__(self, name):
>             import base_module
>             return getattr(base_module, name, getattr(numpy, name))
> Subclassing from ``numpy.ndarray``
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> All of the same guidance about well-defined type casting hierarchies from
> NEP-18 still applies. ``numpy.ndarray`` itself contains a matching
> implementation of ``__array_module__``,  which is convenient for
> subclasses:
> .. code:: python
>     class ndarray:
>         def __array_module__(self, types):
>             if all(issubclass(t, ndarray) for t in types):
>                 return numpy
>             else:
>                 return NotImplemented
> NumPy's internal machinery
> ==========================
> The type resolution rules of ``get_array_module`` follow the same model as
> Python and NumPy's existing dispatch protocols: subclasses are called
> before
> super-classes, and otherwise left to right. ``__array_module__`` is
> guaranteed
> to be called only  a single time on each unique type.
> The actual implementation of `get_array_module` will be in C, but should be
> equivalent to this Python code:
> .. code:: python
>     def get_array_module(*arrays, default=numpy):
>         implementing_arrays, types = _implementing_arrays_and_types(arrays)
>         if not implementing_arrays and default is not None:
>             return default
>         for array in implementing_arrays:
>             module = array.__array_module__(types)
>             if module is not NotImplemented:
>                 return module
>         raise TypeError("no common array module found")
>     def _implementing_arrays_and_types(relevant_arrays):
>         types = []
>         implementing_arrays = []
>         for array in relevant_arrays:
>             t = type(array)
>             if t not in types and hasattr(t, '__array_module__'):
>                 types.append(t)
>                 # Subclasses before superclasses, otherwise left to right
>                 index = len(implementing_arrays)
>                 for i, old_array in enumerate(implementing_arrays):
>                     if issubclass(t, type(old_array)):
>                         index = i
>                         break
>                 implementing_arrays.insert(index, array)
>         return implementing_arrays, types
> Relationship with ``__array_ufunc__`` and ``__array_function__``
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> These older protocols have distinct use-cases and should remain
> ===============================================================
> ``__array_module__`` is intended to resolve limitations of
> ``__array_function__``, so it is natural to consider whether it could
> entirely
> replace ``__array_function__``. This would offer dual benefits: (1)
> simplifying
> the user-story about how to override NumPy and (2) removing the slowdown
> associated with checking for dispatch when calling every NumPy function.
> However, ``__array_module__`` and ``__array_function__`` are pretty
> different
> from a user perspective: it requires explicit calls to
> ``get_array_function``,
> rather than simply reusing original ``numpy`` functions. This is probably
> fine
> for *libraries* that rely on duck-arrays, but may be frustratingly verbose
> for
> interactive use.
> Some of the dispatching use-cases for ``__array_ufunc__`` are also solved
> by
> ``__array_module__``, but not all of them. For example, it is still useful
> to
> be able to define non-NumPy ufuncs (e.g., from Numba or SciPy) in a
> generic way
> on non-NumPy arrays (e.g., with dask.array).
> Given their existing adoption and distinct use cases, we don't think it
> makes
> sense to remove or deprecate ``__array_function__`` and
> ``__array_ufunc__`` at
> this time.
> Mixin classes to implement ``__array_function__`` and ``__array_ufunc__``
> =========================================================================
> Despite the user-facing differences, ``__array_module__`` and a module
> implementing NumPy's API still contain sufficient functionality needed to
> implement dispatching with the existing duck array protocols.
> For example, the following mixin classes would provide sensible defaults
> for
> these special methods in terms of ``get_array_module`` and
> ``__array_module__``:
> .. code:: python
>     class ArrayUfuncFromModuleMixin:
>         def __array_ufunc__(self, ufunc, method, *inputs, **kwargs):
>             arrays = inputs + kwargs.get('out', ())
>             try:
>                 array_module = np.get_array_module(*arrays)
>             except TypeError:
>                 return NotImplemented
>             try:
>                 # Note this may have false positive matches, if
> ufunc.__name__
>                 # matches the name of a ufunc defined by NumPy.
> Unfortunately
>                 # there is no way to determine in which module a ufunc was
>                 # defined.
>                 new_ufunc = getattr(array_module, ufunc.__name__)
>             except AttributeError:
>                 return NotImplemented
>             try:
>                 callable = getattr(new_ufunc, method)
>             except AttributeError:
>                 return NotImplemented
>             return callable(*inputs, **kwargs)
>     class ArrayFunctionFromModuleMixin:
>         def __array_function__(self, func, types, args, kwargs):
>             array_module = self.__array_module__(types)
>             if array_module is NotImplemented:
>                 return NotImplemented
>             # Traverse submodules to find the appropriate function
>             modules = func.__module__.split('.')
>             assert modules[0] == 'numpy'
>             for submodule in modules[1:]:
>                 module = getattr(module, submodule, None)
>             new_func = getattr(module, func.__name__, None)
>             if new_func is None:
>                 return NotImplemented
>             return new_func(*args, **kwargs)
> To make it easier to write duck arrays, we could also add these mixin
> classes
> into ``numpy.lib.mixins`` (but the examples above may suffice).
> Alternatives considered
> -----------------------
> Naming
> ======
> We like the name ``__array_module__`` because it mirrors the existing
> ``__array_function__`` and ``__array_ufunc__`` protocols. Another
> reasonable
> choice could be ``__array_namespace__``.
> It is less clear what the NumPy function that calls this protocol should be
> called (``get_array_module`` in this proposal). Some possible alternatives:
> ``array_module``, ``common_array_module``, ``resolve_array_module``,
> ``get_namespace``, ``get_numpy``, ``get_numpylike_module``,
> ``get_duck_array_module``.
> .. _requesting-restricted-subsets:
> Requesting restricted subsets of NumPy's API
> ============================================
> Over time, NumPy has accumulated a very large API surface, with over 600
> attributes in the top level ``numpy`` module alone. It is unlikely that any
> duck array library could or would want to implement all of these functions
> and
> classes, because the frequently used subset of NumPy is much smaller.
> We think it would be useful exercise to define "minimal" subset(s) of
> NumPy's
> API, omitting rarely used or non-recommended functionality. For example,
> minimal NumPy might include ``stack``, but not the other stacking functions
> ``column_stack``, ``dstack``, ``hstack`` and ``vstack``. This could clearly
> indicate to duck array authors and users want functionality is core and
> what
> functionality they can skip.
> Support for requesting a restricted subset of NumPy's API would be a
> natural
> feature to include in  ``get_array_function`` and ``__array_module__``,
> e.g.,
> .. code:: python
>     # array_module is only guaranteed to contain "minimal" NumPy
>     array_module = np.get_array_module(*arrays, request='minimal')
> To facilitate testing with NumPy and use with any valid duck array library,
> NumPy itself would return restricted versions of the ``numpy`` module when
> ``get_array_module`` is called only on NumPy arrays. Omitted functions
> would
> simply not exist.
> Unfortunately, we have not yet figured out what these restricted subsets
> should
> be, so it doesn't make sense to do this yet. When/if we do, we could
> either add
> new keyword arguments to ``get_array_module`` or add new top level
> functions,
> e.g., ``get_minimal_array_module``. We would also need to add either a new
> protocol patterned off of ``__array_module__`` (e.g.,
> ``__array_module_minimal__``), or could add an optional second argument to
> ``__array_module__`` (catching errors with ``try``/``except``).
> A new namespace for implicit dispatch
> =====================================
> Instead of supporting overrides in the main `numpy` namespace with
> ``__array_function__``, we could create a new opt-in namespace, e.g.,
> ``numpy.api``, with versions of NumPy functions that support dispatching.
> These
> overrides would need new opt-in protocols, e.g., ``__array_function_api__``
> patterned off of ``__array_function__``.
> This would resolve the biggest limitations of ``__array_function__`` by
> being
> opt-in and would also allow for unambiguously overriding functions like
> ``asarray``, because ``np.api.asarray`` would always mean "convert an
> array-like object."  But it wouldn't solve all the dispatching needs met by
> ``__array_module__``, and would leave us with supporting a considerably
> more
> complex protocol both for array users and implementors.
> We could potentially implement such a new namespace *via* the
> ``__array_module__`` protocol. Certainly some users would find this
> convenient,
> because it is slightly less boilerplate. But this would leave users with a
> confusing choice: when should they use `get_array_module` vs.
> `np.api.something`. Also, we would have to add and maintain a whole new
> module,
> which is considerably more expensive than merely adding a function.
> Dispatching on both types and arrays instead of only types
> ==========================================================
> Instead of supporting dispatch only via unique array types, we could also
> support dispatch via array objects, e.g., by passing an ``arrays``
> argument as
> part of the ``__array_module__`` protocol. This could potentially be
> useful for
> dispatch for arrays with metadata, such provided by Dask and Pint, but
> would
> impose costs in terms of type safety and complexity.
> For example, a library that supports arrays on both CPUs and GPUs might
> decide
> on which device to create a new arrays from functions like ``ones`` based
> on
> input arguments:
> .. code:: python
>     class Array:
>         def __array_module__(self, types, arrays):
>             useful_arrays = tuple(a in arrays if isinstance(a, Array))
>             if not useful_arrays:
>                 return NotImplemented
>             prefer_gpu = any(a.prefer_gpu for a in useful_arrays)
>             return ArrayModule(prefer_gpu)
>     class ArrayModule:
>         def __init__(self, prefer_gpu):
>             self.prefer_gpu = prefer_gpu
>         def __getattr__(self, name):
>             import base_module
>             base_func = getattr(base_module, name)
>             return functools.partial(base_func, prefer_gpu=self.prefer_gpu)
> This might be useful, but it's not clear if we really need it. Pint seems
> to
> get along OK without any explicit array creation routines (favoring
> multiplication by units, e.g., ``np.ones(5) * ureg.m``), and for the most
> part
> Dask is also OK with existing ``__array_function__`` style overides (e.g.,
> favoring ``np.ones_like`` over ``np.ones``). Choosing whether to place an
> array
> on the CPU or GPU could be solved by `making array creation lazy
> <https://github.com/google/jax/pull/1668>`_.
> .. _appendix-design-choices:
> Appendix: design choices for API overrides
> ------------------------------------------
> There is a large range of possible design choices for overriding NumPy's
> API.
> Here we discuss three major axes of the design decision that guided our
> design
> for ``__array_module__``.
> Opt-in vs. opt-out for users
> ============================
> The ``__array_ufunc__`` and ``__array_function__`` protocols provide a
> mechanism for overriding NumPy functions *within NumPy's existing
> namespace*.
> This means that users need to explicitly opt-out if they do not want any
> overridden behavior, e.g., by casting arrays with ``np.asarray()``.
> In theory, this approach lowers the barrier for adopting these protocols in
> user code and libraries, because code that uses the standard NumPy
> namespace is
> automatically compatible. But in practice, this hasn't worked out. For
> example,
> most well-maintained libraries that use NumPy follow the best practice of
> casting all inputs with ``np.asarray()``, which they would have to
> explicitly
> relax to use ``__array_function__``. Our experience has been that making a
> library compatible with a new duck array type typically requires at least a
> small amount of work to accommodate differences in the data model and
> operations
> that can be implemented efficiently.
> These opt-out approaches also considerably complicate backwards
> compatibility
> for libraries that adopt these protocols, because by opting in as a library
> they also opt-in their users, whether they expect it or not. For winning
> over
> libraries that have been unable to adopt ``__array_function__``, an opt-in
> approach seems like a must.
> Explicit vs. implicit choice of implementation
> ==============================================
> Both ``__array_ufunc__`` and ``__array_function__`` have implicit control
> over
> dispatching: the dispatched functions are determined via the appropriate
> protocols in every function call. This generalizes well to handling many
> different types of objects, as evidenced by its use for implementing
> arithmetic
> operators in Python, but it has two downsides:
> 1. *Speed*: it imposes additional overhead in every function call, because
> each
>    function call needs to inspect each of its arguments for overrides.
> This is
>    why arithmetic on builtin Python numbers is slow.
> 2. *Readability*: it is not longer immediately evident to readers of code
> what
>    happens when a function is called, because the function's implementation
>    could be overridden by any of its arguments.
> In contrast, importing a new library (e.g., ``import  dask.array as da``)
> with
> an API matching NumPy is entirely explicit. There is no overhead from
> dispatch
> or ambiguity about which implementation is being used.
> Explicit and implicit choice of implementations are not mutually exclusive
> options. Indeed, most implementations of NumPy API overrides via
> ``__array_function__`` that we are familiar with (namely, dask, CuPy and
> sparse, but not Pint) also include an explicit way to use their version of
> NumPy's API by importing a module directly (``dask.array``, ``cupy`` or
> ``sparse``, respectively).
> Local vs. non-local vs. global control
> ======================================
> The final design axis is how users control the choice of API:
> - **Local control**, as exemplified by multiple dispatch and Python
> protocols for
>   arithmetic, determines which implementation to use either by checking
> types
>   or calling methods on the direct arguments of a function.
> - **Non-local control** such as `np.errstate
>   <
> https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.errstate.html
> >`_
>   overrides behavior with global-state via function decorators or
>   context-managers. Control is determined hierarchically, via the
> inner-most
>   context.
> - **Global control** provides a mechanism for users to set default
> behavior,
>   either via function calls or configuration files. For example, matplotlib
>   allows setting a global choice of plotting backend.
> Local control is generally considered a best practice for API design,
> because
> control flow is entirely explicit, which makes it the easiest to
> understand.
> Non-local and global control are occasionally used, but generally either
> due to
> ignorance or a lack of better alternatives.
> In the case of duck typing for NumPy's public API, we think non-local or
> global
> control would be mistakes, mostly because they **don't compose well**. If
> one
> library sets/needs one set of overrides and then internally calls a routine
> that expects another set of overrides, the resulting behavior may be very
> surprising. Higher order functions are especially problematic, because the
> context in which functions are evaluated may not be the context in which
> they
> are defined.
> One class of override use cases where we think non-local and global
> control are
> appropriate is for choosing a backend system that is guaranteed to have an
> entirely consistent interface, such as a faster alternative implementation
> of
> ``numpy.fft`` on NumPy arrays. However, these are out of scope for the
> current
> proposal, which is focused on duck arrays.
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