On Sat, Apr 25, 2020 at 10:40 AM Ralf Gommers <ralf.gomm...@gmail.com>

> On Fri, Apr 24, 2020 at 12:35 PM Eric Wieser <wieser.eric+nu...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Perhaps worth mentioning that we've discussed this sort of API before, in
>> https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/11897.
>> Under that proposal, the api would be something like:
>> * `copy=True` - always copy, like it is today
>> * `copy=False` - copy if needed, like it is today
>> * `copy=np.never_copy` - never copy, throw an exception if not possible
> There's a couple of issues I see with using `copy` for __array__:
> - copy is already weird (False doesn't mean no), and a [bool,
> some_obj_or_str] keyword isn't making that better
> - the behavior we're talking about can do more than copying, e.g. for
> PyTorch it would modify the autograd graph by adding detach(), and for
> sparse it's not just "make a copy" (which implies doubling memory use) but
> it densifies which can massively blow up the memory.
> - I'm -1 on adding things to the main namespace (never_copy) for something
> that can be handled differently (like a string, or a new keyword)
> tl;dr a new `force` keyword would be better

I agree, “copy” is not a good description of this desired coercion behavior.

A new keyword argument like “force” would be much clearer.

> Cheers,
> Ralf
>> I think the discussion stalled on the precise spelling of the third
>> option.
>> `__array__` was not discussed there, but it seems like adding the `copy`
>> argument to `__array__` would be a perfectly reasonable extension.
>> Eric
>> On Fri, 24 Apr 2020 at 03:00, Juan Nunez-Iglesias <j...@fastmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> One bit of expressivity we would miss is “copy if necessary, but
>>>> otherwise don’t bother”, but there are workarounds to this.
>>> After a side discussion with Stéfan van der Walt, we came up with
>>> `allow_copy=True`, which would express to the downstream library that we
>>> don’t mind waiting, but that zero-copy would also be ok.
>>> This sounds like the sort of thing that is use case driven. If enough
>>> projects want to use it, then I have no objections to adding the keyword.
>>> OTOH, we need to be careful about adding too many interoperability tricks
>>> as they complicate the code and makes it hard for folks to determine the
>>> best solution. Interoperability is a hot topic and we need to be careful
>>> not put too leave behind too many experiments in the NumPy code.  Do you
>>> have any other ideas of how to achieve the same effect?
>>> Personally, I don’t have any other ideas, but would be happy to hear
>>> some!
>>> My view regarding API/experiment creep is that `__array__` is the oldest
>>> and most basic of all the interop tricks and that this can be safely
>>> maintained for future generations. Currently it only takes `dtype=` as a
>>> keyword argument, so it is a very lean API. I think this particular use
>>> case is very natural and I’ve encountered the reluctance to implicitly copy
>>> twice, so I expect it is reasonably common.
>>> Regarding difficulty in determining the best solution, I would be happy
>>> to contribute to the dispatch basics guide together with the new kwarg. I
>>> agree that the protocols are getting quite numerous and I couldn’t find a
>>> single place that gathers all the best practices together. But, to
>>> reiterate my point: `__array__` is the simplest of these and I think this
>>> keyword is pretty safe to add.
>>> For ease of discussion, here are the API options discussed so far, as
>>> well as a few extra that I don’t like but might trigger other ideas:
>>> np.asarray(my_duck_array, allow_copy=True)  # default is False, or None
>>> -> leave it to the duck array to decide
>>> np.asarray(my_duck_array, copy=True)  # always copies, but, if supported
>>> by the duck array, defers to it for the copy
>>> np.asarray(my_duck_array, copy=‘allow’)  # could take values ‘allow’,
>>> ‘force’, ’no’, True(=‘force’), False(=’no’)
>>> np.asarray(my_duck_array, force_copy=False, allow_copy=True)  # separate
>>> concepts, but unclear what force_copy=True, allow_copy=False means!
>>> np.asarray(my_duck_array, force=True)
>>> Juan.
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