Hi Will,

To force an iteration to run along certain axes, I believe you should be
using `op_axes`. Your diagnosis is correct that `external_loop` is trying
to help you be more optimal, since it's purpose is exactly that:

Unfortunately, if you use `op_axes` you'll run into


On Tue, 19 May 2020 at 00:42, William Ayd <william....@icloud.com> wrote:

> I am trying to use the nditer to traverse each column of a 2D array,
> returning the column as a 1D array. Consulting the docs, I found this
> example which works perfectly fine:
> In [*65*]: a = np.arange(6).reshape(2,3)
> In [*66*]: *for* x *in* np.nditer(a, flags=['external_loop'], order='F'):
>     ...:     print(x, end=' ')
>     ...:
> [0 3] [1 4] [2 5]
> When changing the shape of the input array to (1, 3) however, this doesn’t
> yield what I am hoping for any more (essentially [0], [1] [2]):
> In [*68*]: *for* x *in* np.nditer(a, flags=['external_loop'], order='F'):
>     ...:     print(x, end=' ')
>     ...:
> [0 1 2]
> I suspect this may have to do with the fact that the (1, 3) array is both
> C and F contiguous, and it is trying to return as large of a 1D
> F-contiguous array as it can. However, I didn’t see any way to really force
> it to go by columns. My best guess was the *itershape* argument though I
> couldn’t figure out how to get that to work and didn’t see much in the
> documentation.
> Thanks in advance for the help!
> - Will
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