Just a note on:

> For the record, I am +1 on removing sdists from PyPI until pip changes
its default to --only-binary :all: [1]

I agree that the defaults for pip are unfortunate (and indeed the legacy of
pip doing, well, a lot, (i.e. building and installing and package managing
and dependencies, and ...) with one interface.

However, There's a long tradition of sdists on PyPi -- and PyPi is used,
for the most part, as the source of sdists for other systems (conda-forge
for example). I did just check, and numpy is an exception -- it's pointing
to gitHub:

    url: https://github.com/numpy/numpy/releases/download/v{{ version
}}/numpy-{{ version }}.tar.gz

But others may be counting on sdists on PyPi.

Also, an sdist is not always the same as a gitHub release -- there is some
"magic" in building it -- it's not just a copy of the repo. Again, numpy
may be building its releases as an sdist (or it just doesn't. matter), but
something to keep in mind.

Another thought is to only support platforms that have a
committed maintainer -- I think that's how Python itself does it. The more
obscure platforms are only supported if someone steps up to support them (I
suppose that's technically true for all platforms, but not hard to find
someone on the existing core dev team to support the majors). This can be a
bit tricky, as the users of a platform may not have the skills to maintain
the builds, but it seems fair enough to only support platforms that someone
cares enough about to do the work.



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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