
On Fri, Jun 10, 2022 at 9:41 AM Jerome Kieffer <jerome.kief...@esrf.fr> wrote:
> Dear Numpy developpers,
> We are developing a set of scientific tools
> (https://github.com/silx-kit) and all our build infrastructure is based
> on `numpy.distutils` which apparently is going to disappear in the
> coming years. Beside us, the `scipy` project was using it ...
> Ralf Gommers has ported `scipy` to build with `meson-python` and there
> are apparently some sharp edges remaining, especially under windows and
> macos. I wonder if you can comment on the sustainability of this
> approach or if you would advice us another build tool.

I am sure that Ralf will say more, but I did some of the work getting
the macOS and Windows builds working with Meson.   I am not sure what
sharp edges you are thinking of.  As you can imagine, the macOS
implementation was pretty straightforward, the Windows one less so,
but for the usual reasons, of differences between the MSVC compiler
and gcc toolchains.  But even there, it turned out that the modern
Windows gcc toolchains were up to the task, so we had to make
relatively few changes.   And, as I'm sure you know, Scipy has
relatively complex build requirements.

So my guess is that you won't have much trouble getting the Mac and
Windows builds working once you've ported your Linux builds to Meson.
 I'd be happy to help with any problems you do run into.


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