On Wed, 2023-03-22 at 12:00 -0400, Robert Kern wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 22, 2023 at 9:34 AM Neal Becker <ndbeck...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > I have a function F
> > def F(a, b):
> >     c = a * b
> > 
> > Initially, a is a scalar, b[240,3000].  No problem.
> > Later I want to use F, where a[240] is a vector.  I want to allow
> > both the
> > scalar and vector cases.  So I write:
> > 
> > def F(a,b):
> >   a = np.atleast_1d(a)
> >   c = a[:,None] * b
> > 
> > This now works for scalar a or vector a.  But this solutions seems
> > inelegant, and somewhat fragile.  Suppose later we want to allow
> > a[240,3000], a 2d array matching b.
> > 
> > Certainly don't want to write code like:
> > if a.ndim == 0:...
> > 
> > Is there a more elegant/robust approach?
> > 
> I would leave it as `c = a * b` and simply record in the docstring
> that `a`
> and `b` should be broadcastable. Yes, that means that the user will
> have to
> write `F(a[:, np.newaxis], b)` for that one case, and that looks a
> little
> ugly, but overall it's less cognitive load on the user to just reuse
> the
> common convention of broadcasting than to record the special case.

I will note that it is not hard to insert the new axes.
`np.expand_dims` may be convenient.  many functions (ufuncs) also have
the `outer` version which does this: `np.add.outer()`, etc.

However, I agree.  Unless the use-case exceedingly clear about
requiring "outer" behavior.  "outer" behavior is uncommon for functions
in the NumPy world and broadcasting is what users will generally expect
(and that includes future self). 

- Sebastian

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