Hi Steve,

The representation of the polynomials without including the domain is
indeed confusing. In https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/21760 the
representation is changed to avoid this. Would this representation work for
you, or are there better representations?

With kind regards,
Pieter Eendebak

Op ma 28 aug. 2023 14:59 schreef <jsdo...@sfu.ca>:

> Hello,
> Since this is my first post to this group, I want to start by expressing
> my appreciation for the work that everyone has done to develop and maintain
> NumPy. Your work enabled me to adopt a fully open-source workflow in my
> research, after being a MATLAB user since v4. The quality of the
> NumPy/SciPy/Matplotlib ecosystem also helped me convince my department to
> standardize our courses around these libraries. Thank you!
> Now for my gripes.... ;)
> I've encountered two issues with the numpy.polynomial module that I'd like
> to synthesize here, since they are scattered among multiple GitHub issues
> that span over five years. I'm interested in this module because I've
> prepared some educational resources for using Python to do data analysis in
> the physical sciences (https://github.com/jsdodge/data-analysis-python),
> and these include how to use numpy.polyfit for fitting polynomial models to
> data (specifically, in
> https://github.com/jsdodge/data-analysis-python/blob/main/notebooks/5.1-Linear-fits.ipynb).
> I had hoped to adopt either numpy.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit or
> numpy.polynomial.polynomial.Polynomial.fit by now, but currently neither of
> these functions serves as a suitable substitute. My concerns are more
> urgent now that numpy.polyfit has been deprecated.
> 1. The numpy.polyfit function returns the covariance matrix for the fit
> parameters, which I think is an essential feature for a function like this
> (see https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/11197#issuecomment-426728143).
> Currently, neither numpy.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit nor
> numpy.polynomial.polynomial.Polynomial.fit provide this option.
> 2. Both numpy.polyfit function and numpy.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit
> return fit parameters that correspond to the standard polynomial
> representation (ie, a_0 x^p + a_1 x^{p-1} + ... a_p for numpy.polyfit and
> x^p a_0 + a_1 x + ... a_p x^p for numpy.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit). The
> recommended method, Polynomial.fit, returns coefficients for a rescaled
> domain, and expects the user to distinguish between the standard
> representation and the rescaled form. Among other things, this decision
> leads to problems like the discrepancy between [7] and [8] below:
> In [3]: x = np.linspace(0, 100)
> In [4]: y = 2 * x + 17
> In [5]: p = np.polynomial.Polynomial.fit(x, y, 1)
> In [6]: p
> Out[6]: Polynomial([117., 100.], domain=[  0., 100.], window=[-1.,  1.],
> symbol='x')
> In [7]: print(p)
> 117.0 + 100.0·x
> In [8]: print(p.convert())
> 17.0 + 2.0·x
> The output of [7] is bad and the output of [8] is good.
> In my view, the ideal solution to (1) and (2) would be the following:
> a. Revise both numpy.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit and
> numpy.polynomial.polynomial.Polynomial.fit to compute the covariance
> matrix, either by default or as part of the output when full==True. The
> covariance matrix should be in the basis of the standard polynomial
> coefficients, not the rescaled ones.
> b. Revise numpy.polynomial.polynomial.Polynomial.fit to yield coefficients
> for the unscaled domain (as in [8] above) by default, while retaining the
> scaled coefficients internally for evaluating the fitted polynomial,
> transformation the fitted polynomial to another polynomial basis, etc. The
> covariance matrix should also be given in terms of the standard polynomial
> representation, not the representation for the rescaled domain.
> Thanks for your attention,
> Steve
> As an example, here is some code that I would like to refactor using the
> numpy.polynomial package.
> # Fit the data using known parameter uncertainties
> p, V = np.polyfit(current, voltage, 1, w=1 / alpha_voltage, cov="unscaled")
> # Print results
> print(f"Intercept estimate: ({1000*p[1]:.0f} ±
> {1000*np.sqrt(V[1][1]):.0f}) µV")
> print(f"Slope estimate: ({1000*p[0]:.2f} ± {1000*np.sqrt(V[0][0]):.2f}) Ω")
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