On 3/24/07, Travis Oliphant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Alan G Isaac wrote:
> On Sat, 24 Mar 2007, Charles R Harris apparently wrote:
>> Yes, that is what I am thinking. Given that there are only the two
>> possibilities, row or column, choose the only one that is compatible
>> the multiplying matrix. The result will not always be a column vector,
>> instance, mat([[1]])*ones(3) will be a 1x3 row vector.
> Ack!  The simple rule `post multiply means its a column vector`
> would be horrible enough: A*ones(n)*B becomes utterly obscure.
> Now even that simple rule is to be violated??
> Down this path lies madness.
> Please, just raise an exception.

My opinion is that a 1-d array in matrix-multiplication should always be
interpreted as a row vector.  Is this not what is currently done?   If
not, then it is a bug in my mind.

Fair enough. But in that case mat(eye(2))*ones(2) should raise an error
instead of returning a row vector.

In [1]: mat(eye(2))*ones(2)
Out[1]: matrix([[ 1.,  1.]])

The problem is that the return object is created as a row matrix and then
filled as if the rhs was a column vector in PyArray_MatrixProduct. So this
should be made a bug?

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