On 3/29/07, Timothy Hochberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


The discussion about matrix indexing has been interminible and for
the most part pretty pointless IMO. However, it does point out one
thing: the interaction between the matrix and array classes is still
pretty klunky despite a fair amount of effort trying to make them

Here's one possible alternative approach to enabling matrix operations
within the context of numpy arrays. I started with a few requirements:
    1. Matrices should be proper subclasses of arrays in the sense
       that one should be able to use matrices wherever one uses
       arrays with no change in the result.
    2. Indexing into matrices should produce row or column vectors
       where appropriate.
    3. There should be some syntax for matrix multiplication. I
       know that there are other operations defined on the matrix
       class, but I don't consider them worth the headache of
       having two class hierarchies.


Note, however that you can't (for instance) multiply column vector with
a row vector:

Well, let's carry this to extremes. Strictly speaking, from the functional
point of view, (r)(c) == (c)(r), the dual of the dual is the original vector
space, for finite dimensional spaces anyway. However, custom reserves the
latter form for the tensor product, and so that is probably a good thing to
keep. However, to really make the transpose operate correctly it should also
conjugate. This could just be a flag in the row vector, no changes in the
data needed, but vdot would be called instead of dot when computing (c.t)(c).
A similar thing could be done for matrices if vdot were extended to deal
with matrices -- currently it only works for scalars and vectors. Now,
products like (c.t)(M.t) would need to conjugate/transpose both, but this
could be computed as ((M)(c)).t. So on and so forth. A lot of these types of
operations are in BLAS, IIRC, so in some sense this is just a mapping to

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