I have found a way to build numpy on solaris x86 with
libsunperf. Basically, using the static library, and removing the
compiler flag for libf77compat (I think it's deprecated and has been
removed) and furthermore symlinking liblapack.a and libblas.a to the actual
libsunperf.a seems to result in a successful build.

However, running numpy.test() results in the following error:

FAIL: check_large_types (numpy.core.tests.test_scalarmath.test_power)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "[long path 
 line 46, in check_large_types
    assert b == 6765201, "error with %r: got %r" % (t,b)
AssertionError: error with <type 'numpy.float96'>: got 6765201.00000000000364

Ran 573 tests in 1.462s

FAILED (failures=1)
<unittest.TextTestRunner object at 0x84a998c>

Can anyone offer an opinion as to the severity of this failure?



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