mark wrote:
> Sorry for joining this discussion late.
> If you are only interested in the four largest eigenvalues, there are
> more efficient algorithms out there than just eig().
> There are algorithms that just give you the N largest.
> Then again, I don't know of any Python implementations, but I haven't
> looked,
> Mark
> On Apr 29, 11:04 pm, "Matthieu Brucher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> 2007/4/29, Anton Sherwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>>> Anton Sherwood wrote:
>>>>> I'm using eigenvectors of a graph's adjacency matrix as "topological"
>>>>> coordinates of the graph's vertices as embedded in 3space (something I
>>>>> learned about just recently).  Whenever I've done this with a graph
>>> that
>>>>> *does* have a good 3d embedding, using the first eigenvector results
>>> in
>>>>> a flat model: apparently the first is not independent, at least in
>>> such
>>>>> cases.  . . .
>>> Charles R Harris wrote:
>>>> . . . the embedding part sounds interesting,
>>>> I'll have to think about why that works.
>>> It's a mystery to me: I never did study enough matrix algebra to get a
>>> feel for eigenvectors (indeed this is the first time I've had anything
>>> to do with them).
>>> I'll happily share my code with anyone who wants to experiment with it.
>> Seems to me that this is much like Isomap and class multidimensional
>> scaling, no ?
>> Matthieu
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There are several subroutines in LAPACK for this task.

IIRC symeig provides a wrapper. See

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