Seems like it might be convenient for IPython to detect if matplotlib is
installed and if it is then to use pylab mode by default (unless specified
otherwise with a switch like -nopylab).


On 5/12/07, Ryan Krauss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You can add the -pylab switch to the desktop shortcut under Windows.
I had created a Windows IPython installer that automatically creates a
second entry under Start > All Programs > IPython
that includes the -pylab -p scipy option.  You can download my
installer from here:
but as the name implies it is 0.7.3 which is quite old.  Ville said he
was going to put this in the standard windows executable from now on.


On 5/12/07, Gael Varoquaux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sat, May 12, 2007 at 12:12:21PM -0600, Fernando Perez wrote:
> >  Thanks a lot for putting time into this, which is extremely useful to
> >  newcomers.
> I got bored of always explaining the same things to project students
> > I think it would be best to start with the -pylab approach from the
> > start.  You can mention that -pylab is only needed if you want
> > plotting and requires matplotlib.
> I think you are right. The biggest problem is that (at least with the
> enthon python distribution) there is no icon under windows to start
> ipython with the "-pylab" switch, and many people have no clue what we
> are talking about. I change as you suggested, though.
>     Gaƫl
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