On Fri, May 25, 2007 at 07:25:15PM +0200, Albert Strasheim wrote:
> I'm still having problems on Windows with r3828. Build command:
> python setup.py -v config --compiler=msvc build_clib --compiler=msvc 
> build_ext --compiler=msvc bdist_wininst

Can you send me the output of

python setup.py -v config_fc --help-fcompiler

And what fortran compiler are you trying to use?

> Output:
> F2PY Version 2_3828
> blas_opt_info:
> blas_mkl_info:
> ( library_dirs = C:\Program 
> Files\Intel\MKL\9.0\ia32\lib:C:\Python24\lib:C:\:C:\Python24\libs )
> ( include_dirs = C:\Program 
> Files\Intel\MKL\9.0\include:C:\Python24\include )
> (paths: )
> (paths: )
> (paths: )
> (paths: )
> (paths: C:\Program Files\Intel\MKL\9.0\ia32\lib\mkl_c.lib)
> (paths: )
> (paths: )
> (paths: )
> (paths: )
> (paths: C:\Program Files\Intel\MKL\9.0\ia32\lib\libguide40.lib)
> ( library_dirs = C:\Program 
> Files\Intel\MKL\9.0\ia32\lib:C:\Python24\lib:C:\:C:\Python24\libs )
>   FOUND:
>     libraries = ['mkl_c', 'libguide40']
>     library_dirs = ['C:\\Program Files\\Intel\\MKL\\9.0\\ia32\\lib']
>     define_macros = [('SCIPY_MKL_H', None)]
>     include_dirs = ['C:\\Program Files\\Intel\\MKL\\9.0\\include', 
> 'C:\\Python24\\include']
> ( library_dirs = C:\Python24\lib:C:\:C:\Python24\libs )
>   FOUND:
>     libraries = ['mkl_c', 'libguide40']
>     library_dirs = ['C:\\Program Files\\Intel\\MKL\\9.0\\ia32\\lib']
>     define_macros = [('SCIPY_MKL_H', None)]
>     include_dirs = ['C:\\Program Files\\Intel\\MKL\\9.0\\include', 
> 'C:\\Python24\\include']
> lapack_opt_info:
> lapack_mkl_info:
> mkl_info:
> ( library_dirs = C:\Program 
> Files\Intel\MKL\9.0\ia32\lib:C:\Python24\lib:C:\:C:\Python24\libs )
> ( include_dirs = C:\Program 
> Files\Intel\MKL\9.0\include:C:\Python24\include )
> (paths: )
> (paths: )
> (paths: )
> (paths: )
> (paths: C:\Program Files\Intel\MKL\9.0\ia32\lib\mkl_c.lib)
> (paths: )
> (paths: )
> (paths: )
> (paths: )
> (paths: C:\Program Files\Intel\MKL\9.0\ia32\lib\libguide40.lib)
> ( library_dirs = C:\Program 
> Files\Intel\MKL\9.0\ia32\lib:C:\Python24\lib:C:\:C:\Python24\libs )
>   FOUND:
>     libraries = ['mkl_c', 'libguide40']
>     library_dirs = ['C:\\Program Files\\Intel\\MKL\\9.0\\ia32\\lib']
>     define_macros = [('SCIPY_MKL_H', None)]
>     include_dirs = ['C:\\Program Files\\Intel\\MKL\\9.0\\include', 
> 'C:\\Python24\\include']
> ( library_dirs = C:\Program 
> Files\Intel\MKL\9.0\ia32\lib:C:\Python24\lib:C:\:C:\Python24\libs )
>   FOUND:
>     libraries = ['mkl_lapack', 'mkl_c', 'libguide40']
>     library_dirs = ['C:\\Program Files\\Intel\\MKL\\9.0\\ia32\\lib']
>     define_macros = [('SCIPY_MKL_H', None)]
>     include_dirs = ['C:\\Program Files\\Intel\\MKL\\9.0\\include', 
> 'C:\\Python24\\include']
> ( library_dirs = C:\Python24\lib:C:\:C:\Python24\libs )
>   FOUND:
>     libraries = ['mkl_lapack', 'mkl_c', 'libguide40']
>     library_dirs = ['C:\\Program Files\\Intel\\MKL\\9.0\\ia32\\lib']
>     define_macros = [('SCIPY_MKL_H', None)]
>     include_dirs = ['C:\\Program Files\\Intel\\MKL\\9.0\\include', 
> 'C:\\Python24\\include']
> running config
> running build_clib
> running build_ext
> running build_src
> building py_modules sources
> building extension "numpy.core.multiarray" sources
> Generating build\src.win32-2.4\numpy\core\config.h
> No module named msvccompiler in numpy.distutils; trying from distutils
> new_compiler returns distutils.msvccompiler.MSVCCompiler
> 0
> 1
> customize GnuFCompiler
> find_executable('g77')
> Could not locate executable g77
> find_executable('f77')
> Could not locate executable f77
> _find_existing_fcompiler: compiler_type='gnu' not found
> customize IntelVisualFCompiler
> find_executable('ifl')
> Could not locate executable ifl
> _find_existing_fcompiler: compiler_type='intelv' not found
> customize AbsoftFCompiler
> find_executable('f90')
> Could not locate executable f90
> find_executable('f77')
> Could not locate executable f77
> _find_existing_fcompiler: compiler_type='absoft' not found
> customize CompaqVisualFCompiler
> find_executable('DF')
> Could not locate executable DF
> _find_existing_fcompiler: compiler_type='compaqv' not found
> customize IntelItaniumVisualFCompiler
> find_executable('efl')
> Could not locate executable efl
> _find_existing_fcompiler: compiler_type='intelev' not found
> customize Gnu95FCompiler
> find_executable('gfortran')
> Could not locate executable gfortran
> find_executable('f95')
> Could not locate executable f95
> _find_existing_fcompiler: compiler_type='gnu95' not found
> customize G95FCompiler
> find_executable('g95')
> Could not locate executable g95
> _find_existing_fcompiler: compiler_type='g95' not found
> removed c:\docume~1\albert\locals~1\temp\tmp1gax32__dummy.f
> removed c:\docume~1\albert\locals~1\temp\tmp_lgu9f__dummy.f
> removed c:\docume~1\albert\locals~1\temp\tmp4vpnwa__dummy.f
> removed c:\docume~1\albert\locals~1\temp\tmp8xx1ll__dummy.f
> removed c:\docume~1\albert\locals~1\temp\tmp4veorf__dummy.f
> removed c:\docume~1\albert\locals~1\temp\tmpwjdbiy__dummy.f
> Running from numpy source directory.
> error: don't know how to compile Fortran code on platform 'nt'
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Christopher Hanley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Discussion of Numerical Python" <numpy-discussion@scipy.org>
> Sent: Friday, May 25, 2007 6:52 PM
> Subject: Re: [Numpy-discussion] build problem on RHE3 machine
> > Sorry I didn't respond sooner.  It seems to have taken almost 3 hours
> > for me to receive this message.
> >
> > In any case the problems seems to have been resolved.  I am able to
> > build and install numpy version 1.0.4.dev3828 on my RHE3 machine running
> > Python 2.5.1.
> >
> > Thank you for the quick fix.
> >
> > Chris
> >
> > p.s.  All unittests pass.
> >
> >> Could you send me the results of running with the -v flag?
> >> i.e., python setup.py -v build 
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