
I'm using the last svn version of numpy (.

I tried the solution found on the mail list:

python setup.py config_fc --fcompiler=gnu95 build

the two interesting part (at least for me) in the building process are:

customize GnuFCompiler Found executable /usr/bin/g77 
gnu: no Fortran 90 compiler found
gnu: no Fortran 90 compiler found 
customize GnuFCompiler
gnu: no Fortran 90 compiler found 
gnu: no Fortran 90 compiler found 
customize GnuFCompiler using config

and later: 
customize G95FCompiler Found executable /usr/local/bin/g95

but I still have the same answer when I'm trying to do: f2py -c -m hello 

customize GnuFCompiler Found executable /usr/bin/g77 
gnu: no Fortran 90 compiler found gnu: no Fortran 90 
compiler found customize GnuFCompiler 
gnu: no Fortran 90 compiler found 
gnu: no Fortran 90 compiler found

and so:

error: f90 not supported by GnuFCompiler needed for hello.f90

I can't compile my fortran module because of this. I'll attach the file obtain 

python setup.py -v config_fc --fcompiler=gnu95 build

And I have the same result for g95.

thank you for numpy and f2py. 

non-existing path in 'numpy/distutils': 'site.cfg'
F2PY Version 2_4026
( library_dirs = /usr/local/lib:/usr/lib )
( include_dirs = /usr/local/include:/usr/include )
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
  libraries mkl,vml,guide not found in /usr/local/lib
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
  libraries mkl,vml,guide not found in /usr/lib

( library_dirs = /usr/local/lib:/usr/lib )
(paths: )
(paths: /usr/lib/atlas,/usr/lib/sse2)
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
  libraries ptf77blas,ptcblas,atlas not found in /usr/local/lib
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
  libraries ptf77blas,ptcblas,atlas not found in /usr/lib/atlas
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: /usr/lib/sse2/libatlas.so)
  libraries ptf77blas,ptcblas,atlas not found in /usr/lib/sse2
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: /usr/lib/libatlas.so)
  libraries ptf77blas,ptcblas,atlas not found in /usr/lib

( library_dirs = /usr/local/lib:/usr/lib )
(paths: )
(paths: /usr/lib/atlas,/usr/lib/sse2)
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
  libraries f77blas,cblas,atlas not found in /usr/local/lib
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
  libraries f77blas,cblas,atlas not found in /usr/lib/atlas
(paths: /usr/lib/sse2/libf77blas.so)
(paths: /usr/lib/sse2/libcblas.so)
(paths: /usr/lib/sse2/libatlas.so)
( include_dirs = /usr/local/include:/usr/include )
(paths: )
(paths: /usr/include/cblas.h)
( library_dirs = /usr/local/lib:/usr/lib )
(paths: )
(paths: /usr/lib/atlas,/usr/lib/sse2)
    libraries = ['f77blas', 'cblas', 'atlas']
    library_dirs = ['/usr/lib/sse2']
    language = c
    include_dirs = ['/usr/include']

new_compiler returns distutils.unixccompiler.UnixCCompiler
customize GnuFCompiler
Found executable /usr/bin/g77
gnu: no Fortran 90 compiler found
gnu: no Fortran 90 compiler found
exec_command(['/usr/bin/g77', '--version'],)
Retaining cwd: /home/gruel/tmp/Python/SCIPY/numpy
Running os.system('( /usr/bin/g77 --version ; echo $? > /tmp/tmphW9yyT/O1TTQZ ) 
> /tmp/tmphW9yyT/TsbhKl 2>&1')
exec_command(['/usr/bin/g77', '-g', '-Wall', '-fno-second-underscore', '-fPIC', 
'-O3', '-funroll-loops', '-march=pentium-m', '-mmmx', '-msse2', '-msse', 
'-fomit-frame-pointer', '-print-libgcc-file-name'],)
Retaining cwd: /home/gruel/tmp/Python/SCIPY/numpy
Running os.system('( /usr/bin/g77 -g -Wall -fno-second-underscore -fPIC -O3 
-funroll-loops -march=pentium-m -mmmx -msse2 -msse -fomit-frame-pointer 
-print-libgcc-file-name ; echo $? > /tmp/tmphW9yyT/kZfve1 ) > 
/tmp/tmphW9yyT/oZpGzj 2>&1')
customize GnuFCompiler
gnu: no Fortran 90 compiler found
gnu: no Fortran 90 compiler found
exec_command(['/usr/bin/g77', '--version'],)
Retaining cwd: /home/gruel/tmp/Python/SCIPY/numpy
Running os.system('( /usr/bin/g77 --version ; echo $? > /tmp/tmphW9yyT/yuFkkf ) 
> /tmp/tmphW9yyT/J1E0P7 2>&1')
exec_command(['/usr/bin/g77', '-g', '-Wall', '-fno-second-underscore', '-fPIC', 
'-O3', '-funroll-loops', '-march=pentium-m', '-mmmx', '-msse2', '-msse', 
'-fomit-frame-pointer', '-print-libgcc-file-name'],)
Retaining cwd: /home/gruel/tmp/Python/SCIPY/numpy
Running os.system('( /usr/bin/g77 -g -Wall -fno-second-underscore -fPIC -O3 
-funroll-loops -march=pentium-m -mmmx -msse2 -msse -fomit-frame-pointer 
-print-libgcc-file-name ; echo $? > /tmp/tmphW9yyT/Y5cb-T ) > 
/tmp/tmphW9yyT/y1_TOM 2>&1')
customize GnuFCompiler using config
compiler_f77    = ['/usr/bin/g77', '-g', '-Wall', '-fno-second-underscore', 
'-fPIC', '-O3', '-funroll-loops', '-march=pentium-m', '-mmmx', '-msse2', 
'-msse', '-fomit-frame-pointer']
compiler_fix    = None
ranlib          = ['/usr/bin/g77']
linker_exe      = ['/usr/bin/g77', '-g', '-Wall', '-g', '-Wall']
archiver        = ['/usr/bin/g77', '-cr']
version_cmd     = ['/usr/bin/g77', '--version']
linker_so       = ['/usr/bin/g77', '-g', '-Wall', '-g', '-Wall', '-shared']
compiler_f90    = None
version         = LooseVersion ('3.4.6')
libraries       = ['g2c']
library_dirs    = []
object_switch   = '-o '
compile_switch  = '-c'
include_dirs    = []
compiling '_configtest.c':

/* This file is generated from numpy/distutils/system_info.py */
void ATL_buildinfo(void);
int main(void) {
  return 0;
C compiler: gcc -pthread -fno-strict-aliasing -DNDEBUG -g -O2 -Wall 
-Wstrict-prototypes -fPIC

compile options: '-c'
gcc: _configtest.c
exec_command(['gcc', '-pthread', '-fno-strict-aliasing', '-DNDEBUG', '-g', 
'-O2', '-Wall', '-Wstrict-prototypes', '-fPIC', '-c', '_configtest.c', '-o', 
Retaining cwd: /home/gruel/tmp/Python/SCIPY/numpy
Running os.system('( gcc -pthread -fno-strict-aliasing -DNDEBUG -g -O2 -Wall 
-Wstrict-prototypes -fPIC -c _configtest.c -o _configtest.o ; echo $? > 
/tmp/tmphW9yyT/Nfe9Bl ) 2>&1 | tee /tmp/tmphW9yyT/WIMuQD ')
gcc -pthread _configtest.o -L/usr/lib/sse2 -lf77blas -lcblas -latlas -o 
exec_command(['gcc', '-pthread', '_configtest.o', '-L/usr/lib/sse2', 
'-lf77blas', '-lcblas', '-latlas', '-o', '_configtest'],)
Retaining cwd: /home/gruel/tmp/Python/SCIPY/numpy
Running os.system('( gcc -pthread _configtest.o -L/usr/lib/sse2 -lf77blas 
-lcblas -latlas -o _configtest ; echo $? > /tmp/tmphW9yyT/PW1tm6 ) 2>&1 | tee 
/tmp/tmphW9yyT/DtQWRF ')
Retaining cwd: /home/gruel/tmp/Python/SCIPY/numpy
Running os.system('( ./_configtest ; echo $? > /tmp/tmphW9yyT/O7bQ57 ) 2>&1 | 
tee /tmp/tmphW9yyT/SHuXWy ')
ATLAS version 3.6.0 built by root on Fri Jan  9 15:57:20 UTC 2004:
   UNAME    : Linux intech67 2.4.20 #1 SMP Fri Jan 10 18:29:51 EST 2003 i686 
   INSTFLG  : 
   MMDEF    : /fix/g/camm/atlas3-3.6.0/CONFIG/ARCHS/P4SSE2/gcc/gemm
   ARCHDEF  : /fix/g/camm/atlas3-3.6.0/CONFIG/ARCHS/P4SSE2/gcc/misc
   F2CDEFS  : -DAdd__ -DStringSunStyle
   CACHEEDGE: 1048576
   F77      : /usr/bin/g77, version GNU Fortran (GCC) 3.3.3 20031229 
(prerelease) (Debian)
   F77FLAGS : -fomit-frame-pointer -O
   CC       : /usr/bin/gcc, version gcc (GCC) 3.3.3 20031229 (prerelease) 
   CC FLAGS : -fomit-frame-pointer -O3 -funroll-all-loops
   MCC      : /usr/bin/gcc, version gcc (GCC) 3.3.3 20031229 (prerelease) 
   MCCFLAGS : -fomit-frame-pointer -O
removing: _configtest.c _configtest.o _configtest
( library_dirs = /usr/local/lib:/usr/lib )
    libraries = ['f77blas', 'cblas', 'atlas']
    library_dirs = ['/usr/lib/sse2']
    language = c
    define_macros = [('ATLAS_INFO', '"\\"3.6.0\\""')]
    include_dirs = ['/usr/include']

( library_dirs = /usr/local/lib:/usr/lib )
( include_dirs = /usr/local/include:/usr/include )
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
  libraries mkl,vml,guide not found in /usr/local/lib
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
  libraries mkl,vml,guide not found in /usr/lib


( library_dirs = /usr/local/lib:/usr/lib )
(paths: )
(paths: /usr/lib/atlas,/usr/lib/sse2)
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
  libraries ptf77blas,ptcblas,atlas not found in /usr/local/lib
(paths: )
(paths: )
  libraries lapack_atlas not found in /usr/local/lib
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
  libraries ptf77blas,ptcblas,atlas not found in /usr/lib/atlas
(paths: )
(paths: )
  libraries lapack_atlas not found in /usr/lib/atlas
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: /usr/lib/sse2/libatlas.so)
  libraries ptf77blas,ptcblas,atlas not found in /usr/lib/sse2
(paths: /usr/lib/sse2/liblapack_atlas.so)
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: /usr/lib/libatlas.so)
  libraries ptf77blas,ptcblas,atlas not found in /usr/lib
(paths: /usr/lib/liblapack_atlas.so)

( library_dirs = /usr/local/lib:/usr/lib )
(paths: )
(paths: /usr/lib/atlas,/usr/lib/sse2)
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
  libraries f77blas,cblas,atlas not found in /usr/local/lib
(paths: )
(paths: )
  libraries lapack_atlas not found in /usr/local/lib
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
  libraries f77blas,cblas,atlas not found in /usr/lib/atlas
(paths: )
(paths: )
  libraries lapack_atlas not found in /usr/lib/atlas
(paths: /usr/lib/sse2/libf77blas.so)
(paths: /usr/lib/sse2/libcblas.so)
(paths: /usr/lib/sse2/libatlas.so)
(paths: /usr/lib/sse2/liblapack_atlas.so)
(paths: )
(paths: )
(paths: )
  libraries lapack not found in /usr/lib/sse2
(paths: /usr/lib/libf77blas.so)
(paths: /usr/lib/libcblas.so)
(paths: /usr/lib/libatlas.so)
(paths: /usr/lib/liblapack_atlas.so)
(paths: /usr/lib/atlas)
(paths: /usr/lib/liblapack.so)
( include_dirs = /usr/local/include:/usr/include )
(paths: )
(paths: /usr/include/cblas.h)
( library_dirs = /usr/local/lib:/usr/lib )
(paths: )
(paths: /usr/lib/atlas,/usr/lib/sse2)
    libraries = ['lapack', 'f77blas', 'cblas', 'atlas']
    library_dirs = ['/usr/lib']
    language = f77
    include_dirs = ['/usr/include']

new_compiler returns distutils.unixccompiler.UnixCCompiler
customize GnuFCompiler
gnu: no Fortran 90 compiler found
gnu: no Fortran 90 compiler found
exec_command(['/usr/bin/g77', '--version'],)
Retaining cwd: /home/gruel/tmp/Python/SCIPY/numpy
Running os.system('( /usr/bin/g77 --version ; echo $? > /tmp/tmphW9yyT/lA2al1 ) 
> /tmp/tmphW9yyT/uS8AqW 2>&1')
exec_command(['/usr/bin/g77', '-g', '-Wall', '-fno-second-underscore', '-fPIC', 
'-O3', '-funroll-loops', '-march=pentium-m', '-mmmx', '-msse2', '-msse', 
'-fomit-frame-pointer', '-print-libgcc-file-name'],)
Retaining cwd: /home/gruel/tmp/Python/SCIPY/numpy
Running os.system('( /usr/bin/g77 -g -Wall -fno-second-underscore -fPIC -O3 
-funroll-loops -march=pentium-m -mmmx -msse2 -msse -fomit-frame-pointer 
-print-libgcc-file-name ; echo $? > /tmp/tmphW9yyT/cEJBJL ) > 
/tmp/tmphW9yyT/D_flLH 2>&1')
customize GnuFCompiler
gnu: no Fortran 90 compiler found
gnu: no Fortran 90 compiler found
exec_command(['/usr/bin/g77', '--version'],)
Retaining cwd: /home/gruel/tmp/Python/SCIPY/numpy
Running os.system('( /usr/bin/g77 --version ; echo $? > /tmp/tmphW9yyT/KP4n80 ) 
> /tmp/tmphW9yyT/ttMXMf 2>&1')
exec_command(['/usr/bin/g77', '-g', '-Wall', '-fno-second-underscore', '-fPIC', 
'-O3', '-funroll-loops', '-march=pentium-m', '-mmmx', '-msse2', '-msse', 
'-fomit-frame-pointer', '-print-libgcc-file-name'],)
Retaining cwd: /home/gruel/tmp/Python/SCIPY/numpy
Running os.system('( /usr/bin/g77 -g -Wall -fno-second-underscore -fPIC -O3 
-funroll-loops -march=pentium-m -mmmx -msse2 -msse -fomit-frame-pointer 
-print-libgcc-file-name ; echo $? > /tmp/tmphW9yyT/1AHFMy ) > 
/tmp/tmphW9yyT/nIy-o0 2>&1')
customize GnuFCompiler using config
compiler_f77    = ['/usr/bin/g77', '-g', '-Wall', '-fno-second-underscore', 
'-fPIC', '-O3', '-funroll-loops', '-march=pentium-m', '-mmmx', '-msse2', 
'-msse', '-fomit-frame-pointer']
compiler_fix    = None
ranlib          = ['/usr/bin/g77']
linker_exe      = ['/usr/bin/g77', '-g', '-Wall', '-g', '-Wall']
archiver        = ['/usr/bin/g77', '-cr']
version_cmd     = ['/usr/bin/g77', '--version']
linker_so       = ['/usr/bin/g77', '-g', '-Wall', '-g', '-Wall', '-shared']
compiler_f90    = None
version         = LooseVersion ('3.4.6')
libraries       = ['g2c']
library_dirs    = []
object_switch   = '-o '
compile_switch  = '-c'
include_dirs    = []
compiling '_configtest.c':

/* This file is generated from numpy/distutils/system_info.py */
void ATL_buildinfo(void);
int main(void) {
  return 0;
C compiler: gcc -pthread -fno-strict-aliasing -DNDEBUG -g -O2 -Wall 
-Wstrict-prototypes -fPIC

compile options: '-c'
gcc: _configtest.c
exec_command(['gcc', '-pthread', '-fno-strict-aliasing', '-DNDEBUG', '-g', 
'-O2', '-Wall', '-Wstrict-prototypes', '-fPIC', '-c', '_configtest.c', '-o', 
Retaining cwd: /home/gruel/tmp/Python/SCIPY/numpy
Running os.system('( gcc -pthread -fno-strict-aliasing -DNDEBUG -g -O2 -Wall 
-Wstrict-prototypes -fPIC -c _configtest.c -o _configtest.o ; echo $? > 
/tmp/tmphW9yyT/B5bzKU ) 2>&1 | tee /tmp/tmphW9yyT/WoAbnx ')
gcc -pthread _configtest.o -llapack -lf77blas -lcblas -latlas -o _configtest
exec_command(['gcc', '-pthread', '_configtest.o', '-llapack', '-lf77blas', 
'-lcblas', '-latlas', '-o', '_configtest'],)
Retaining cwd: /home/gruel/tmp/Python/SCIPY/numpy
Running os.system('( gcc -pthread _configtest.o -llapack -lf77blas -lcblas 
-latlas -o _configtest ; echo $? > /tmp/tmphW9yyT/PYE2rx ) 2>&1 | tee 
/tmp/tmphW9yyT/c_H36m ')
Retaining cwd: /home/gruel/tmp/Python/SCIPY/numpy
Running os.system('( ./_configtest ; echo $? > /tmp/tmphW9yyT/Kv64cP ) 2>&1 | 
tee /tmp/tmphW9yyT/jRMK1p ')
ATLAS version 3.6.0 built by root on Fri Jan  9 15:57:20 UTC 2004:
   UNAME    : Linux intech67 2.4.20 #1 SMP Fri Jan 10 18:29:51 EST 2003 i686 
   INSTFLG  : 
   MMDEF    : /fix/g/camm/atlas3-3.6.0/CONFIG/ARCHS/P4SSE2/gcc/gemm
   ARCHDEF  : /fix/g/camm/atlas3-3.6.0/CONFIG/ARCHS/P4SSE2/gcc/misc
   F2CDEFS  : -DAdd__ -DStringSunStyle
   CACHEEDGE: 1048576
   F77      : /usr/bin/g77, version GNU Fortran (GCC) 3.3.3 20031229 
(prerelease) (Debian)
   F77FLAGS : -fomit-frame-pointer -O
   CC       : /usr/bin/gcc, version gcc (GCC) 3.3.3 20031229 (prerelease) 
   CC FLAGS : -fomit-frame-pointer -O3 -funroll-all-loops
   MCC      : /usr/bin/gcc, version gcc (GCC) 3.3.3 20031229 (prerelease) 
   MCCFLAGS : -fomit-frame-pointer -O
removing: _configtest.c _configtest.o _configtest
( library_dirs = /usr/local/lib:/usr/lib )
    libraries = ['lapack', 'f77blas', 'cblas', 'atlas']
    library_dirs = ['/usr/lib']
    language = f77
    define_macros = [('ATLAS_INFO', '"\\"3.6.0\\""')]
    include_dirs = ['/usr/include']

running config_fc
unifing config_fc, config, build_clib, build_ext, build commands --fcompiler 
running build
running config_cc
unifing config_cc, config, build_clib, build_ext, build commands --compiler 
running build_src
building py_modules sources
building extension "numpy.core.multiarray" sources
  adding 'build/src.linux-i686-2.5/numpy/core/config.h' to sources.
executing numpy/core/code_generators/generate_array_api.py
  adding 'build/src.linux-i686-2.5/numpy/core/__multiarray_api.h' to sources.
  adding 'build/src.linux-i686-2.5/numpy/core/src' to include_dirs.
numpy.core - nothing done with h_files = 
building extension "numpy.core.umath" sources
  adding 'build/src.linux-i686-2.5/numpy/core/config.h' to sources.
executing numpy/core/code_generators/generate_ufunc_api.py
  adding 'build/src.linux-i686-2.5/numpy/core/__ufunc_api.h' to sources.
  adding 'build/src.linux-i686-2.5/numpy/core/src' to include_dirs.
numpy.core - nothing done with h_files = 
building extension "numpy.core._sort" sources
  adding 'build/src.linux-i686-2.5/numpy/core/config.h' to sources.
executing numpy/core/code_generators/generate_array_api.py
  adding 'build/src.linux-i686-2.5/numpy/core/__multiarray_api.h' to sources.
numpy.core - nothing done with h_files = 
building extension "numpy.core.scalarmath" sources
  adding 'build/src.linux-i686-2.5/numpy/core/config.h' to sources.
executing numpy/core/code_generators/generate_array_api.py
  adding 'build/src.linux-i686-2.5/numpy/core/__multiarray_api.h' to sources.
executing numpy/core/code_generators/generate_ufunc_api.py
  adding 'build/src.linux-i686-2.5/numpy/core/__ufunc_api.h' to sources.
numpy.core - nothing done with h_files = 
building extension "numpy.core._dotblas" sources
  adding 'numpy/core/blasdot/_dotblas.c' to sources.
building extension "numpy.lib._compiled_base" sources
building extension "numpy.numarray._capi" sources
building extension "numpy.fft.fftpack_lite" sources
building extension "numpy.linalg.lapack_lite" sources
  adding 'numpy/linalg/lapack_litemodule.c' to sources.
building extension "numpy.random.mtrand" sources
new_compiler returns distutils.unixccompiler.UnixCCompiler
customize Gnu95FCompiler
Found executable /usr/local/bin/gfortran
exec_command(['/usr/local/bin/gfortran', '--version'],)
Retaining cwd: /home/gruel/tmp/Python/SCIPY/numpy
Running os.system('( /usr/local/bin/gfortran --version ; echo $? > 
/tmp/tmphW9yyT/GYP3Wz ) > /tmp/tmphW9yyT/KZs0pi 2>&1')
exec_command(['/usr/local/bin/gfortran', '-Wall', '-ffixed-form', 
'-fno-second-underscore', '-fPIC', '-O3', '-funroll-loops', '-march=pentium-m', 
'-mmmx', '-msse2', '-msse', '-fomit-frame-pointer', '-print-libgcc-file-name'],)
Retaining cwd: /home/gruel/tmp/Python/SCIPY/numpy
Running os.system('( /usr/local/bin/gfortran -Wall -ffixed-form 
-fno-second-underscore -fPIC -O3 -funroll-loops -march=pentium-m -mmmx -msse2 
-msse -fomit-frame-pointer -print-libgcc-file-name ; echo $? > 
/tmp/tmphW9yyT/YZ1YO2 ) > /tmp/tmphW9yyT/CWhSug 2>&1')
customize Gnu95FCompiler using config
compiler_f77    = ['/usr/local/bin/gfortran', '-Wall', '-ffixed-form', 
'-fno-second-underscore', '-fPIC', '-O3', '-funroll-loops', '-march=pentium-m', 
'-mmmx', '-msse2', '-msse', '-fomit-frame-pointer']
compiler_fix    = ['/usr/local/bin/gfortran', '-Wall', '-ffixed-form', 
'-fno-second-underscore', '-Wall', '-fno-second-underscore', '-fPIC', '-O3', 
'-funroll-loops', '-march=pentium-m', '-mmmx', '-msse2', '-msse', 
ranlib          = ['/usr/local/bin/gfortran']
linker_exe      = ['/usr/local/bin/gfortran', '-Wall', '-Wall']
archiver        = ['/usr/local/bin/gfortran', '-cr']
version_cmd     = ['/usr/local/bin/gfortran', '--version']
linker_so       = ['/usr/local/bin/gfortran', '-Wall', '-Wall', '-shared']
compiler_f90    = ['/usr/local/bin/gfortran', '-Wall', 
'-fno-second-underscore', '-fPIC', '-O3', '-funroll-loops', '-march=pentium-m', 
'-mmmx', '-msse2', '-msse', '-fomit-frame-pointer']
version         = LooseVersion ('4.3.0')
libraries       = ['gfortran']
library_dirs    = []
object_switch   = '-o '
compile_switch  = '-c'
include_dirs    = ['numpy/core/src', 'numpy/core/include', 
C compiler: gcc -pthread -fno-strict-aliasing -DNDEBUG -g -O2 -Wall 
-Wstrict-prototypes -fPIC

compile options: '-Inumpy/core/src -Inumpy/core/include 
-I/usr/include/python2.5 -c'
gcc: _configtest.c
exec_command(['gcc', '-pthread', '-fno-strict-aliasing', '-DNDEBUG', '-g', 
'-O2', '-Wall', '-Wstrict-prototypes', '-fPIC', '-Inumpy/core/src', 
'-Inumpy/core/include', '-I/usr/include/python2.5', '-c', '_configtest.c', 
'-o', '_configtest.o'],)
Retaining cwd: /home/gruel/tmp/Python/SCIPY/numpy
Running os.system('( gcc -pthread -fno-strict-aliasing -DNDEBUG -g -O2 -Wall 
-Wstrict-prototypes -fPIC -Inumpy/core/src -Inumpy/core/include 
-I/usr/include/python2.5 -c _configtest.c -o _configtest.o ; echo $? > 
/tmp/tmphW9yyT/nrRzw6 ) 2>&1 | tee /tmp/tmphW9yyT/DE8zX0 ')
gcc -pthread _configtest.o -o _configtest
exec_command(['gcc', '-pthread', '_configtest.o', '-o', '_configtest'],)
Retaining cwd: /home/gruel/tmp/Python/SCIPY/numpy
Running os.system('( gcc -pthread _configtest.o -o _configtest ; echo $? > 
/tmp/tmphW9yyT/0c8YGJ ) 2>&1 | tee /tmp/tmphW9yyT/DdaP1N ')
removing: _configtest.c _configtest.o _configtest
building data_files sources
running build_py
not copying numpy/ctypeslib.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/dual.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/matlib.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/setup.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/add_newdocs.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/_import_tools.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/__init__.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/version.py (output up-to-date)
copying build/src.linux-i686-2.5/numpy/__config__.py -> 
not copying numpy/distutils/lib2def.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/distutils/environment.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/distutils/exec_command.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/distutils/info.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/distutils/mingw32ccompiler.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/distutils/cpuinfo.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/distutils/line_endings.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/distutils/interactive.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/distutils/from_template.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/distutils/conv_template.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/distutils/setup.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/distutils/__version__.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/distutils/system_info.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/distutils/intelccompiler.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/distutils/log.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/distutils/misc_util.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/distutils/__init__.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/distutils/ccompiler.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/distutils/extension.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/distutils/core.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/distutils/unixccompiler.py (output up-to-date)
copying build/src.linux-i686-2.5/numpy/distutils/__config__.py -> 
not copying numpy/distutils/command/install.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/distutils/command/egg_info.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/distutils/command/config_compiler.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/distutils/command/bdist_rpm.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/distutils/command/build_src.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/distutils/command/sdist.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/distutils/command/build_clib.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/distutils/command/build_ext.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/distutils/command/config.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/distutils/command/__init__.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/distutils/command/build_scripts.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/distutils/command/build_py.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/distutils/command/install_headers.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/distutils/command/build.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/distutils/command/install_data.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/distutils/fcompiler/hpux.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/distutils/fcompiler/nag.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/distutils/fcompiler/mips.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/distutils/fcompiler/g95.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/distutils/fcompiler/gnu.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/distutils/fcompiler/lahey.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/distutils/fcompiler/intel.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/distutils/fcompiler/ibm.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/distutils/fcompiler/none.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/distutils/fcompiler/vast.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/distutils/fcompiler/compaq.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/distutils/fcompiler/__init__.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/distutils/fcompiler/sun.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/distutils/fcompiler/absoft.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/distutils/fcompiler/pg.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/testing/numpytest.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/testing/info.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/testing/setup.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/testing/parametric.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/testing/__init__.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/testing/utils.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/f2py/info.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/f2py/f2py_testing.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/f2py/func2subr.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/f2py/cfuncs.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/f2py/rules.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/f2py/f90mod_rules.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/f2py/f2py2e.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/f2py/setup.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/f2py/capi_maps.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/f2py/__version__.py (output up-to-date)
copying numpy/f2py/__svn_version__.py -> build/lib.linux-i686-2.5/numpy/f2py
not copying numpy/f2py/cb_rules.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/f2py/common_rules.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/f2py/use_rules.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/f2py/__init__.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/f2py/diagnose.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/f2py/auxfuncs.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/f2py/crackfortran.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/f2py/lib/api.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/f2py/lib/py_wrap_type.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/f2py/lib/setup.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/f2py/lib/nary.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/f2py/lib/py_wrap_subprogram.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/f2py/lib/__init__.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/f2py/lib/wrapper_base.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/f2py/lib/main.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/f2py/lib/py_wrap.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/f2py/lib/parser/api.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/f2py/lib/parser/base_classes.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/f2py/lib/parser/parsefortran.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/f2py/lib/parser/sourceinfo.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/f2py/lib/parser/statements.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/f2py/lib/parser/splitline.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/f2py/lib/parser/test_Fortran2003.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/f2py/lib/parser/readfortran.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/f2py/lib/parser/__init__.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/f2py/lib/parser/pattern_tools.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/f2py/lib/parser/utils.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/f2py/lib/parser/test_parser.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/f2py/lib/parser/typedecl_statements.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/f2py/lib/parser/block_statements.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/f2py/lib/parser/Fortran2003.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/f2py/lib/extgen/base.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/f2py/lib/extgen/py_support.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/f2py/lib/extgen/c_support.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/f2py/lib/extgen/__init__.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/f2py/lib/extgen/utils.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/f2py/lib/extgen/setup_py.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/core/info.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/core/numeric.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/core/records.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/core/defmatrix.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/core/setup.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/core/memmap.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/core/arrayprint.py (output up-to-date)
copying numpy/core/__svn_version__.py -> build/lib.linux-i686-2.5/numpy/core
not copying numpy/core/defchararray.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/core/__init__.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/core/ma.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/core/_internal.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/core/fromnumeric.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/core/numerictypes.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/core/code_generators/generate_array_api.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/core/info.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/core/numeric.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/core/records.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/core/defmatrix.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/core/setup.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/core/memmap.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/core/arrayprint.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/core/defchararray.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/core/__init__.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/core/ma.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/core/_internal.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/core/fromnumeric.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/core/numerictypes.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/lib/function_base.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/lib/info.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/lib/shape_base.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/lib/user_array.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/lib/arraysetops.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/lib/index_tricks.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/lib/setup.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/lib/polynomial.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/lib/twodim_base.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/lib/getlimits.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/lib/scimath.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/lib/convdtype.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/lib/__init__.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/lib/machar.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/lib/utils.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/lib/ufunclike.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/lib/type_check.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/oldnumeric/rng_stats.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/oldnumeric/alter_code1.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/oldnumeric/user_array.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/oldnumeric/array_printer.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/oldnumeric/functions.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/oldnumeric/typeconv.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/oldnumeric/ufuncs.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/oldnumeric/fft.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/oldnumeric/arrayfns.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/oldnumeric/fix_default_axis.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/oldnumeric/matrix.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/oldnumeric/setup.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/oldnumeric/misc.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/oldnumeric/random_array.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/oldnumeric/precision.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/oldnumeric/rng.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/oldnumeric/compat.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/oldnumeric/__init__.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/oldnumeric/ma.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/oldnumeric/alter_code2.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/oldnumeric/linear_algebra.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/oldnumeric/mlab.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/numarray/alter_code1.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/numarray/functions.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/numarray/ufuncs.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/numarray/fft.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/numarray/matrix.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/numarray/util.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/numarray/setup.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/numarray/random_array.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/numarray/compat.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/numarray/__init__.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/numarray/ma.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/numarray/alter_code2.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/numarray/nd_image.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/numarray/linear_algebra.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/numarray/session.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/numarray/image.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/numarray/convolve.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/numarray/numerictypes.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/numarray/mlab.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/fft/info.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/fft/setup.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/fft/helper.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/fft/__init__.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/fft/fftpack.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/linalg/info.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/linalg/setup.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/linalg/__init__.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/linalg/linalg.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/random/info.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/random/setup.py (output up-to-date)
not copying numpy/random/__init__.py (output up-to-date)
running build_ext
new_compiler returns distutils.unixccompiler.UnixCCompiler
customize UnixCCompiler
customize UnixCCompiler using build_ext
compiler_cxx  = ['g++', '-pthread']
ranlib        = None
linker_exe    = ['gcc', '-pthread']
compiler_so   = ['gcc', '-pthread', '-fno-strict-aliasing', '-DNDEBUG', '-g', 
'-O2', '-Wall', '-Wstrict-prototypes', '-fPIC']
archiver      = ['ar', '-cr']
preprocessor  = ['gcc', '-pthread', '-E']
linker_so     = ['gcc', '-pthread', '-shared', '-Wl,-O1']
compiler      = ['gcc', '-pthread', '-fno-strict-aliasing', '-DNDEBUG', '-g', 
'-O2', '-Wall', '-Wstrict-prototypes']
libraries     = []
library_dirs  = []
include_dirs  = ['numpy/core/src', 'numpy/core/include', 
customize Gnu95FCompiler
exec_command(['/usr/local/bin/gfortran', '--version'],)
Retaining cwd: /home/gruel/tmp/Python/SCIPY/numpy
Running os.system('( /usr/local/bin/gfortran --version ; echo $? > 
/tmp/tmphW9yyT/wQSPWL ) > /tmp/tmphW9yyT/HsfR2S 2>&1')
exec_command(['/usr/local/bin/gfortran', '-Wall', '-ffixed-form', 
'-fno-second-underscore', '-fPIC', '-O3', '-funroll-loops', '-march=pentium-m', 
'-mmmx', '-msse2', '-msse', '-fomit-frame-pointer', '-print-libgcc-file-name'],)
Retaining cwd: /home/gruel/tmp/Python/SCIPY/numpy
Running os.system('( /usr/local/bin/gfortran -Wall -ffixed-form 
-fno-second-underscore -fPIC -O3 -funroll-loops -march=pentium-m -mmmx -msse2 
-msse -fomit-frame-pointer -print-libgcc-file-name ; echo $? > 
/tmp/tmphW9yyT/JIkx4b ) > /tmp/tmphW9yyT/bncwfA 2>&1')
customize Gnu95FCompiler using build_ext
compiler_f77    = ['/usr/local/bin/gfortran', '-Wall', '-ffixed-form', 
'-fno-second-underscore', '-fPIC', '-O3', '-funroll-loops', '-march=pentium-m', 
'-mmmx', '-msse2', '-msse', '-fomit-frame-pointer']
compiler_fix    = ['/usr/local/bin/gfortran', '-Wall', '-ffixed-form', 
'-fno-second-underscore', '-Wall', '-fno-second-underscore', '-fPIC', '-O3', 
'-funroll-loops', '-march=pentium-m', '-mmmx', '-msse2', '-msse', 
ranlib          = ['/usr/local/bin/gfortran']
linker_exe      = ['/usr/local/bin/gfortran', '-Wall', '-Wall']
archiver        = ['/usr/local/bin/gfortran', '-cr']
version_cmd     = ['/usr/local/bin/gfortran', '--version']
linker_so       = ['/usr/local/bin/gfortran', '-Wall', '-Wall', '-shared']
compiler_f90    = ['/usr/local/bin/gfortran', '-Wall', 
'-fno-second-underscore', '-fPIC', '-O3', '-funroll-loops', '-march=pentium-m', 
'-mmmx', '-msse2', '-msse', '-fomit-frame-pointer']
version         = LooseVersion ('4.3.0')
libraries       = ['gfortran']
library_dirs    = []
object_switch   = '-o '
compile_switch  = '-c'
include_dirs    = ['numpy/core/src', 'numpy/core/include', 
skipping 'numpy.core.multiarray' extension (up-to-date)
skipping 'numpy.core.umath' extension (up-to-date)
skipping 'numpy.core._sort' extension (up-to-date)
skipping 'numpy.core.scalarmath' extension (up-to-date)
skipping 'numpy.core._dotblas' extension (up-to-date)
skipping 'numpy.lib._compiled_base' extension (up-to-date)
skipping 'numpy.numarray._capi' extension (up-to-date)
skipping 'numpy.fft.fftpack_lite' extension (up-to-date)
skipping 'numpy.linalg.lapack_lite' extension (up-to-date)
skipping 'numpy.random.mtrand' extension (up-to-date)
running build_scripts
  adding 'build/scripts.linux-i686-2.5/f2py' to scripts
not copying build/scripts.linux-i686-2.5/f2py (up-to-date)
removing /tmp/tmphW9yyT
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